Transcript copy ( certification)
1. A written request should be submitted by the applicant stating the reasons for the request.
2. The applicant must be the person holding the original Iraqi documents if he showed up in person, if sent out by mail original copies of (Personal identity + Iraqi nationality certificate or unified card) is a must, with a color copy for each one of them, a prepaid return envelope should be sent for a return service as well.
3. In order to certify a transcript copy it must be a clear colored copy.
4. A collection fee of ($ 10) for each document to be certified.
Note: – The General consulate is not responsible for any transcript of various Iraqi authorities (according to its followed rules)such as retiree life certificate and specified power of attorneys for the purpose of selling a property , it is recommended for the requester to check with his attorney in Iraq that a transcript copy will be accepted for that issue.