The Chief Justice of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council will conduct a number of meetings during his visit to the United Kingdom.

On February 22, the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faiq Zaidan, held a number of talks with senior officials in the Ministry of Justice and Judicial Institutions.
Dr. Zaidan met Lord David Wolfson, a minister at the Ministry of Justice, who both emphasized the importance of the independence of the judiciary and its role in strengthening the rule of law. Inspiring the spirit of the law is the basis for achieving justice, which the judicial system seeks to achieve.
He also met with Judge Cheema Grubb, President of the Judicial Training College. During the meeting, they discussed the legal nature of court systems and case management in both Iraq and the United Kingdom. They reviewed the mechanisms followed in both countries.
Dr. Zaidan met his British counterpart Lord Ian Burnett and discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the judicial field between the two countries, especially in capacity building and expertise in the field of commercial justice.