Ministry Departments

Protocol Department

Head of the Department: Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Manhal Alsafi

Deputy Head of the Department:

– Mohammed Husham

– Lina Galal Omer

Protocol Section:
undertakes and accomplish the following tasks:

1- Delivering letters of congratulation, condolences and formal invitations sent to/ issued by the Three Presidencies (Republic Presidency, Council of Representative Presidency, Council of Ministers Presidency).

2- Preparing and Delivering letters of congratulation, thanks, Condolences sent by the minister of Foreign Affairs.

3- Organizing procedure o Foreign Official Delegations visits to Iraq.

4- Receiving foreign Official Delegation visiting Iraq and Preparing meetings appointments with Iraqi Officials.

5- Organizing meeting appointments for the Minister of foreign affairs, under Secretaries and Heads of Departments.

6- Organizing the Minster of Foreign Affairs official invitations to Foreign official  Delegations visiting Iraq, and to Foreign Ambassadors accredited to Iraq by the termination of their posts.

7- Coordinating with Iraqi diplomatic Missions abroad on Iraqi Official Delegations visits and the procedures of their reception and farewell.

8- Receiving new foreign Ambassador accredited to Iraq.

9- Obtaining formal approvals for landing and takeoff of private and military air crafts, and for air craft passing through Iraqi airspace.

Diplomatic Corps Section:
undertake and accomplish the following tasks:

Obtaining formal approvals for:

Opening Foreign Political and Consulate Missions in Iraq.
Accreditation of Iraqi Ambassadors, General Consuls and military, Commercial, Cultural Attaches nominated to work in Iraqi diplomatic and consulate Missions abroad.
Accreditation of Foreign Ambassadors, General and Honorary Consuls, and military, commercial, cultural Attaches nominated to work in Diplomatic and Consulate Missions accredited in Iraq.
Entering light weapons and communication equipment related to work requirements of the Diplomatic and Consulate missions and International organizations accredited in Iraq.
. Preparing letters of Credentials for Iraqi Ambassadors and Permanent Representative. 
3. Granting entry-visas to members of the Diplomatic and consulate missions and International Organization accredited in Iraq.
4. Issuing resident cards and entering to Baghdad international Airport cards for Diplomatic and consulate mission and international organizations accredited in Iraq.
5. Facilitating importing and exporting of shipments, goods, and cars for the use of Diplomatic and consulate missions  and international organizations accredited in Iraq,and   granting it costumes and taxes exemptions.
6. Coordinating with Ministry of Interior on Insuring   protection for Diplomatic and Consulate Missions and International Organizations accredited in Iraq during their     transportation inside and outside Baghdad.
7. Solving technical and logistic obstacles related to the work and functions of Diplomatic and Consulate Missions and International Organizations accredited in Iraq.
8. Facilitating granting residence to employee of Diplomatic and Consulate Missions and International Organizations  accredited in Iraq, carrying ordinary passports.
9. Providing necessary Facilities for the Diplomatic and consulate Missions and international Organizations accredited in Iraq to buy or rent real states to be used as  mission’s Headquarters.

Visa Section:
undertake and accomplish procedures for obtaining entry- visas for Iraqi official Delegations, as follows:

High level officials from the Three Presidencies.
Ministers and Senior officials carrying Diplomatic and service passports.
Foreign ministry’s Officials transferred to work in Iraqi Diplomatic and Consulate Missions abroad.
Ministries Official transferred to work in Iraqi military, Commercial and cultural Missions abroad.

Administrative Department

Head of Department: Minister plenipotentiary: Hassan Swadi Abdulaziz

Deputy Head of Department

Makki Resan

Sections of Department: 
– Employees affairs in the head quarter.
– Employees in overseas mission.
– Manpower affairs.
– Administration.
– Account and finance.
– Central archives.
Deals with all administrative and financial affairs of the headquarters of the ministry and iraq’s missions overseas.


Finance Department

Head of Department : Ambassador Zaid Ez El Din Mohamed

Deputy Head of Department:

Abdul Mahdi Masir

Huda Akram

Administrating the finance issues of the Ministry of foreign affairs.

Accounting which includes the following sections:
– Salaries.

– Cashing.

– Accounting in center.

– Accounting in Missions.

– Assets.

– wire transfer.

– Stores.

– Fund secretaries.

– funds.

– Exchange Division.

Internal  and checking control which includes:

– Internal control.

– Audit missions.

Consulates Services Department

Head of Department /Acting: :Nasir Abdulmohsen Abdulah

Deputy Head of Department

Duraid Musab Hussein

The Department Functions:
Follow up on the General consulates Work abroad.


General working Consulates abroad.

General working Consulates inside Iraq.

Economic Department

Head of the Department: Ambassador Sadiq Hamidi Al-Rikabi

Deputy Head of department:

Shaleer Hamid Hweiz

Ghanem Abdul Karim

Responsibilities of Economy Department :

1. All the economic issues that are related to the Iraqi foreign policy including matters of investments, OPEC and OAPEC files .

2. Following up committees recommendations in which it is either a member in or a representative of the ministry among other Iraqi ministries .

3. Enhance the overall view about cretin matters that are of economic characteristics throughout observing and searching to come up with an opinion about them.

The economy department consists of three sections :

1. Organizations.

2. Sustainable development.

3.Financial and monetary institutions.


Technical & Engineering Department

Head of Department Acting Mrs. Najat Khudair Abbas

 Deputy Head Of Department:
Department Functions:
Engineering Department is directly responsible for the reconstruction, rehabilitation, restoration, maintenance and perpetuation of all Real Estate Asset belonging to our ministry inside and outside Iraq, in addition to the work of implementation and supervision for the establishment of new buildings inside and outside Iraq, according to the priorities set by the ministry’s policy.

Department Sections: 

1. Projects section:

This section is preparing the investment plan for the projects of the the ministry and it’s ratification and approval by the ministry of planning with follow-up of these projects with Resident Engineer offices abroad as well as the study and approval of all designs from consulting companies for our projects abroad.

. 2. Property section:

This section following-up correspondence received by the Department regarding the maintenance, rehabilitation and perpetuation of the properties owned by ministry in all our missions abroad with making recommendations to authorize missions amounts necessary to do so in accordance with the laws and regulations and valid instructions.

3.Maintenance section: this section works in operation and maintenance of all electrical, mechanical and sanitary systems such as Air conditions, elevators, fire alarm, satellite, and others, to the ministry buildings, as well as providing advice and support and participate in the work of supervision and follow-up of the ministry’ projects outside of Iraq.

    – Division generators.

    – Division of Electricity.

    – Lady Health Division.

    – Systems Division.

    – Adaptation Division.

    – Maintenance Division of the Ministry building and ancillary buildings .

 4.Securities Department and Archive section.

 Department E-Mail Address:

International Organization & Conference Department

Head of the Department: Ambassador Hassan  Al-Janabi

Deputy Head of Department:

Abdulrahman Al-Amri

Ali Hilal 

Follows up relations with the United Nations and its specialized agencies, other regional and international organizations (except the Arab league) and regional and international conferences concerned with political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, energy and disarmament issues.

Department Sections: 
1. Agencies 
2. Disarmament 
3. Economic Affairs
4. Environment 
5. Islamic Conference & NON-Aligned Movement
6. United Nation & security Council

– Section of Islamic Cooperation Organization & Non- Aligned Movement :

This section is specialized in covering and following up the activities of Islamic Cooperation Organization & Non- Aligned Movement. The mechanism of work is based on the central instructions issued by the Ministry and to all mailings received from Iraqi diplomatic mission abroad, especially our missions in Jeddah, Geneva and New York.
Tasks & Responsibilities :

The section undertake the fallowing tasks and responsibilities:

* Dealing with mailings and correspondences issued by Islamic Cooperation Organization & Non- Aligned Movement coordination offices, and also following up the cases related with other Iraqi involved Ministries.

* Coordinating with our missions in Jeddah, Geneva and New York concerning the activities of Islamic Cooperation Organization &Non- Aligned Movement, and attending the relevant meetings. 

* Preparing reports about the activities of Islamic Cooperation Organization & Non- Aligned Movement.

* Following up all the preparations for Iraq’s high level participations in summits, conferences and meetings organized by those two organs.

* Following up all decisions, statements and press releases issued by those two organs in general, and that concerning Iraq in particular.

* Preparing the Minister’s speeches and letters concerning related meetings and issues.

Environment Section

Following up correspondece and taking necessary action regards them, with our representatives and relevant Iraqi authorities.

Preparing studies and making recommendations related to Iraq’s accession to treaties and conventions related to the environment

Coordinating with the Iraqi Ministries and relevant departments of the ministry, providing advice regarding Iraq’s position on environmental and international agreements.

– Disarmament Section:

The Disarmament Section is in charge of disarmament issues relevant to the implementation of International Treaties and Conventions of disarmament and non- proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons) as well as other conventional arms such as Landmines, Small arms, Cluster Munitions.. etc.

In addition, the Disarmament Section is following up the obligations and commitments of the Government of Iraq within the related treaties and conventions such as NPT, CWC,CTBT,BTWC..etc.

Moreover, the Disarmament Section staff is participating in the International conferences and meetings as well as training courses relevant to the above Treaties.

As a part of Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Disarmament Section is coordinating and working closely with other Ministry missions such as Iraqi permanent Representatives to UN in New York, UN European office in Geneva, International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, and Organization for the  Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in the Hague, in order to carry out its duties in this regard.

In this sense, the Disarmament Section is cooperating with other Iraqi Governmental Authorities in this field such as Ministry of Science and Technology-National Monitoring Authority, Ministry of Defense as well as Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Health.

– Description of environment Section:

1. Following up multilateral environmental conventions and sustainable development issues.

2. Preparing internal memos about multilateral, regional and bilateral environmental conventions.

3. Presenting the Iraqi officials points of view to the secretariats of international organizations and international environmental conventions.

4. Provide Iraqi authorities concerned with environmental issues, with international environmental reports.

5. Facilitating participation of Iraqi technical delegations in International training courses and international conferences, related to environmental issues.

6. Representing the Ministry in the national committee of the climatic changes.

7. Representing the ministry in the international environmental conferences and meetings.

8. Representing the ministry in the plan of development and implementation of a mechanism to monitor and reduce emissions of carbon dioxide resulting from road transport and reduce the effects of climate change.

9. Representing the ministry in the national committee of the RAMSAR convention.

10. Representing the ministry in the technical committee and working group in other ministries.

– The United Nations Section :

– It follows-up the correspondences and takes the necessary action by cooperating with our representatives in New York, Geneva which related to the activity of the General Assembly of the UN and its other major agencies.
– Coordinating with the Iraqi official authorities who are relevant to the outgoing or incoming correspondences and preparing the appropriate proposals and recommendations.
– It follows-up the correspondences from the foreign missions in Iraq which are relevant to support the candidates of the countries for public office in the United Nations or one of its specialized agencies.
– Coordinating with the relevant ministry’s departments about nomination tasks by soliciting opinion and recommendation Iraq’s attitude then to inform the concerned Iraqi mission.
– The Section prepares for the United Nations General Assembly high-level meetings, where Iraq is represented by the president and foreign minister, through the preparation of the credentials and the official data & bilateral meetings and coordinating with the Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations in New York papers.
– The department also follows the UN Mission file to assist Iraq (UNAMI), and it is a link between them and the higher authorities and the Iraqi ministries in the topics that will help mission in completing its tasks in Iraq. The department also follows the mission’s activities and achievements by holding monthly meeting to exchange views on common interest topics.
– The department deals with the United Nations and its main bodies such as the General Assembly and the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, in addition to some of the main committees of the General Assembly, which are: Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee), which deals with economic issues such as sustainable development and the implementation of the MDGs and other economic issues. special political and decolonization Committee (fourth Committee), and covers a range of political subjects which are not covered by the first Committee, as (decolonization and self-determination, the special political missions, such as UNAMI, the Committee on the peaceful uses of outer space, peacekeeping missions, atomic radiation, mine. administrative and budgetary matters Committee (fifth Committee), deals with issues related to the United Nations, and budget management.
– The department also follows the Syrian refugees and displaced Iraqis file, as it prepares Iraq’s speeches delivered in the international events, and participation in international meetings regarding Syrian refugees, in addition to preparing an updated minutes regarding the Syrian refugees and the displaced Iraqis.
– The department also follows Al-Huriya transitional temporary camp file, as it follows up the correspondences between the United Nations and the Iraqi authorities in order to end the presence of MKO members on Iraqi territory, according to the understanding memorandum on this subject between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the United Nations in 25/12/2011.

-The Security Council :

The section receives regularly reports from the Iraqi mission in New York, about the activities of the Security Council and its resolutions.

In relation to international issues, it analyses the report, then sends the important ones to the Council of ministers and the president’s office as well the Parliament, to take note and any necessary action in regard.

-The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) :

The section follows up the meetings and reports of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and sends reports about them to the relevant Iraqi sides.

– The United Nations assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) :

The section is responsible of the file of the mission, in all matters except those related to visa and custom clearance, which fall under the responsibility of the protocol department. It holds a monthly meeting with the head of the mission and his staff to exchange views about issues concerns the mission and the ways to facilitate its work.

– The Sanctions Committees :

The Security Council established some committees to implement sanctions against Taliban and Al-Qaeda, in addition to other entities, the section is entitled to follow up the decisions of these committees and send them to the concerned offices in Iraq to take actions accordingly.

– The remaining issues of the Oil for Food Program :

The program was terminated in 2003; but there are matters still to be finalized, which the section is dealing with in cooperation with the mission in New York and other concerned Iraqi ministries. Also the section is dealing with the file to regain the Iraqi money smuggled by the old regime as the requirement of the Security Council resolution 1518, in coordination with the concerned offices in Iraq.

– Nominations and Candidature for the vacant Posts :

The section receives requests from member states in the United Nations to get support from Iraq to their Nominations and Candidature for the vacant posts in the main bodies of the UN, or membership in any of its commissions. The section studies the requests according to the precedence it request and the relation between Iraq and the requesting country, in coordination with the specialized political department in the ministry, then to inform the decision about which country to support to the concerned mission and the Iraqi mission in New York to act accordingly during the election or vote.

– The Specialized Agencies Section :

The Section deals with different issues related to the work of the UN specialized Agencies and International organizations, as mentioned below:

1. World Food Program (WFP).

2. International Labour Organization (ILO).

3. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

4. World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

5.The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

6.World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

7.The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).

8.Telecommunication Union International (TUI).

9.World Health Organization (WHO).

10.International Parliamentary Union (IPU).

11.The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

12.International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

13.The International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO).

14.World Customs Organization (WCO).

15.World Tourism Organization (WTO).

16.International Maritime Organization (IMO).

17.The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

18.International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

19.International Olive Council (IOC).

20.International Standard Organization (ISO).

21.The United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (HABITAT).

22.Universal Postal Union (UPU).

23.UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

24.World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).

25.Codex Alimentarius Commission (CODEX).

The Section’s tasks are to follow up and to achieve a variety of files, as described below :

1.The Nominations’ file concerning the Iraqi Position to Provide support to the candidacy of a foreign or Arabic state to the membership of an Executive Board or different committees affiliated to the said organizations and Agencies.

2.The Vacancy Posts file concerning the Iraqi Nominations to the International and Regional posts. The subject is run by a committee in the General Secretariat in the Council of Ministries to select the qualified candidacy.

3.The Contributions’ file, about the Iraqi contributions to the International Organizations through coordinating with the Iraqi Ministries as well as the Ministry’s Headquarter in order to be paid on time.

4.Invitation Letters to the Iraqi Ministries and vice versa.

5.Participation in the meetings, conferences and activities related to the work of the said Organizations. 

E-Mail Address:

Legal Department

Head Of Department: Rajeh Saber Aboud Al-MUSAWI 

Deputy Head of Department

Abdulhakim Ismael Qlkhassab

Rehab Khalid Yosseif

The legal department undertakes to exercise the following functions:

1- To give an opinion on different that need to make a proper decision.

2- To study various legal topics that is related to the Foreign Ministry’s work.

3- To provide legal opinion and advice to the departments of the Ministry.

4- To follow-up lawsuits that are related the Foreign Ministry internally.

5- To follow-up the international lawsuits which Iraq is a part of it.

6- To follow-up matters relating to international law and international humanitarian law in coordination and cooperation with the relevant Iraqi Ministries.

7- To follow-up mechanisms of the agreements and memorandums of understanding, treaties and to prepare authorization documents for negotiation and signing agreements.

8- To follow-up compensation issues, border and water issues.

Department Sections and its functions: 

1. The International Legal Affairs Section

The section follow-up lawsuits initiated from Iraq or against it in abroad, in coordination with official Iraqi authorities and Iraqi missions abroad, appointing lawyers, consultants for missions, following-up issues of Iraqi antiquities that were smuggled out of Iraq and how to restore it. As well as following up issues like fighting terrorism and drugs, the International Court of Justice file and support the nomination of its judges anf other courts, the Sixth Committee of the United Nations issues.

2. The Interior Legal Affairs Section

The section gives opinion on legal questions referred to it, consulting in different various legal subjects, and the representing the Ministry in the proceedings held by or held in the various economic authorities inside 

Iraq, and follow-up of foreign prisoners in Iraqi prisons, and extradite Iraqis wanted to Iraqi judicial authorities with the Iraqi missions abroad.

3. The Boundary and Water  Section
The section follow -up all topics that are related to the borders and water issues, in coordination with the Iraqi relevant Ministries.

4. The Treaties Section 

The section follow-up mechanisms of the bilateral agreements and memorandums of understanding, and to represent the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the negotiations that are related to agreements and memorandums of understanding, and to discuss accession of Iraq to various international convention, to prepare authorization documents for negotiations and signing agreements.

5. The Compensation Section
The section follow up file of compensation that initiated by the United Nations Commission on Iraq, with coordination with the concerned authorities.

6. The international Humanitarian Law Section 

The section follow up on issues relating to prisoners and missing persons and the remains of war victims and refugees in coordination with the concerned Ministries and to give opinion on issues related to Humanitarian affairs.


North & South America Department

Head of Department: .Sondos Omar Ali

Deputy Head of Department:

Mohiuddin Ahmed

Diari Ahmed Majid.

The Department Functions:

Follow up of all issues of bilateral relations with North, South and the Caribbean countries, and issues of common interests.

The Department Sections:
– North America Section: Follow up of bilateral relations with Washington, Ottawa, and Mexico and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations and consulates General in Detroit, Montreal, and Los Angeles.- South America Section: Follow up of bilateral relations with Brasilia, Caracas, Santiago, and the Caribbean countries.

Department E-Mail:

Communication & IT Department

Head of Department: 
Deputy Head of Departmen:Khalid Hameed 

The Department Sections:
1- Communication and IT Section Tasks:
• Design, preparation and the installation of software to ministry departments and missions according to their requirements.
• Insure and providing documentation programs and electrical archiving for all ministry departments.
• Prepare improved and special courses in telecommunications and information technology field for ministry offices coordinating that with foreign affairs institute.
• Participation in committees, conferences, and seminars specialized in the field of communications and information technology inside and outside Iraq.
• Coordinating with all ministries and governmental establishments in information technology field.

2- Systems Section Task:
• Insure providing the ministry by internet service.
• Insure secure communication between the ministry and overseas crossing the virtual private network (VPN).
• Design and maintenance entire network infrastructure.
• Prepare improved and special courses in telecommunications and information technology field for ministry offices coordinating that with foreign affairs institute.
• Insurance, installation, operation and maintenance of the Official Email System between the ministry headquarter and Missions.
• Insurance, installation, operation and maintenance of the File Sharing and Availability Entire the ministry office center.

3- Communication Section Task:
• Insure and providing wired communication (phone system) inside the ministry and maintenance
• Insure and providing wireless communication (wireless devices) for ministry.
• Manage communication systems to make it provide efficient communication, approved and scalable.
• Operate maintenance and repair communications systems, its equipment and devices to ensure its availability according to standards specifications.
• Following-up and coordinating with al cells companies in telecommunications field.
• Insurance, installation, operation and maintenance of the special E-Mail between the ministry headquarter and Missions.

4- Technical Support Section Tasks:
• Processing and maintenance the computer Devices (desktop and laptop) and printers of all kinds and all its accessories

Policy Planning Department

Head of the Department 
Deputy Head of the Department: William Isaiah

Department Sections and Tasks
•    Political Planning and Research Section:
It is responsible for the following tasks:
–    Follow up on political, press, and economic reports that coming up from our missions abroad to follow up the the development on their area.
–    Making weekly and monthly researches, studies and reports for the regional events that surrounding Iraq as well as all upcoming events in the international surrounding that related to Iraq and inform the political decision-making centers.
–    Developing relations between the Ministry and Research Centers involved in strategic and international affairs through participating in seminars held by these centers and exchange of studies and researches in matters of common interest.
–    Monitor and follow up the developments of the phenomena of violence and armed terrorist movements in neighboring regions and international environment.
•    International Cooperation and Organizations Section:
It is responsible for the following tasks: 
–    Reporting on the activities of international organizations and cover international conferences.
•    Economic Section:
It is responsible for the following tasks: 
–    Following up recent economic affairs on the regional and international levels.
–    Writing reports on subjects relating to the Iraqi economic affairs.

•    Human Resources Section:
It is responsible for the following tasks: 
–    Updating the data of the Ministry’s members, inside the ministry headquarter and the missions abroad.

Department E-Mail:

Arab Department

Head of the Department: Ambassador Ismieal Shafiq Muhsan

Deputy Head of the Department

Arwa Hashim Abdel Hassan.

Department General Tasks:

– Gathering information and making reports about the policies of the Arab countries and studying its effect on Iraq’s stance and relations with those countries, and preparing studies about the palestinian issue and the Arab League including its different organs and the execution of its resolutions.

 – Cooperating with other related ministry departments in preparing the foundations of negotiations in order to sign treaties and observing and following up the treaties which are already signed and bring it into force .

– Offering political consultation to H.E. Minister of foreign affairs about the events taking place in the Arab countries 

– Preparing for Arab summit meetings and participating in them .

– Working to strengthen ties with the Arab countries, and promoting joint action that serves the Arab common interests.

– Seeking the re-establishment of Iraq’s position within its Arab environment, especially after 2003.

– Activating the joint committees between Iraq and the Arab countries.

– Taking part in resolving disputes inside the Arab league.

– Informing the Arab world about Iraq’s emerging democratic experience, and its positive aspects.

– Taking part in activating the role of the Arab countries under the new world system.

– Editing and processing the official letters and memos before submitting it to the deputy of the Arab department.

– Reviewing the political, economical, cultural and military reports that are sent by the Iraqi missions abroad. 

– Taking part in the meetings of the Arab league council’s committees and other bilateral committees.

Sections of the department :

1. Arab League section . 
2. Arab Gulf countries section .
3.Eastern Arab countries section . 
4. Egypt and Sudan section .
5. Western Arab countries section .

Section Tasks :

– Editing and processing the official letters and memos before submitting it to the deputy of the Arab department.

– Reviewing the political, economical, cultural and military reports that are sent by the Iraqi missions abroad. 

– Taking part in the meetings of the Arab league council’s committees and other bilateral committees.

Secretariat tasks :

– Preparing and processing the incoming paper work from the department sections before submitting it to the Head of the department.

– Managing the phone calls.

– Organizing the meetings and appointments of the Head of the department.

– Guests’ reception.   

– Arranging flights.

Filing Section Tasks :

– Making a written record of incoming and outgoing mail.

– Distributing the incoming mail on the department sections.

– Sending the outgoing mail to the central mail office to distribute it on other Iraqi ministries.

Delivering the outgoing mail into the rest of the ministry departments .

E-mail Section Tasks :

– Receiving the incoming mail via the electronic mail from the missions abroad and other Iraqi ministies.

– Sending the outgoing mail from the department via the electronic mail to the missions broad and other Iraqi ministries, except the confidential letters.

– Archiving the incoming and outgoing mail of the department on the computer’s hard desks.


Neighboring Countries

Head Of Department: Ambassador Oday Musa Khair Allah

Deputy Head of Department: 

Bassem Abbas Daoud

Addul Hakim AL-Qasab

The department is interested in bilateral issues at different fields (political, economic, cultural and visits…etc) between the Republic of Iraq and all of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. it’s working on following-up the negotiations with these countries on outstanding issues such as borders, water, etc. the department works in coordination with the department of political, legal and other technical topics relevant. it consists of three basic sections are:

1-The Section of Iran:

a- Iraq has a diplomatic representation at the level of an embassy in the Iranian capital Tehran, headed by Ambassador Mohamed Sheikh Majid, in addition to three other consulates general in Mashhad, Ahvaz and Kermanshah.

b- Iran has a diplomatic representation at the level of an embassy in Baghdad, headed by Ambassador Hassan Dnaii fled, in addition to five consulates general in Najaf, Kerbala, erbil, sulaymaniyah and Basra.

2-The section of Turkey:
a- Iraq has a diplomatic representation at the level of an embassy in the Turkish capital Ankara, headed by Ambassador Talal Jamil al-Obeidi, in addition to two general Consulates in Istanbul and Gaziantep.

b- Turkey has a diplomatic representation at the level of an embassy in Baghdad, headed by Ambassador Farouk Qaamakja, in addition to three consulates General in Erbil, Basra and Mosul.

3-The section of Afghanistan:
a- Iraq has a diplomatic representation at the level of an embassy in the capital Kabul, headed by Ambassador Arshad Omar Ismail.

b- Afghanistan has diplomatic representation at the level of an embassy in Baghdad, headed by Ambassador Abdaljamil Brwani.

Email Address:

Asia & Australisia Department

Head of Department: Ambassador Amal Mousa Hussein

Deputy Head of the Department: Saad Abdul Wahab Qandil

Hamid Addas Lafta

Promotion and follow up of bilateral relations with the countries within its large geographical scope. 

Sections :
1. Asean. 
2. Eastern Asia.
3. Central and West Asia.
4. Southern Asia. 
5. Central And South Africa.
6. Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific. 


Europe Department

Head of the Department: Bakr Fattah Hussein

Head of the department’s deputies: – 

Ali Shemran.

 Jawan Hasan Tawfeeq.

Department Tasks:
The Europe dep. covers the work field of the European continent which are (39) states, in addition to the EU and its divisions & the NATO, through our embassies in Europe, and the resident & non-resident European embassies to Iraq.

The Department’s Sections & its task:

• Northern Europe Section: covers the work field of (4) states which are: (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland).
• Middle Europe Section: covers the work field of (16) states which are: (France, Czech, Poland,
Slovakia,Switzerland,Slovenia,Croatia,Lithuania,and Latvia).
• Southern Europe Section: covers the work field of (14) states which are: (Italy, Vatican, Serbia, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, San Marino, Bosnia and Herzegovina,Albania,Montenegro,Macedonia,Kosovo Issue).
• Russia & Commonwealth of Independent States Section: covers the work field of (5) states which are: (Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia).
• European Union Section: covers the following Files: (European Parliament, European Commission, European Council, European Union Council, relations between Iraq and the European Union), NATO.

Department’s E-Mail Address:

Africa Department

Head of the Department: Ambassador Assad Sultan Hachim Abu Gula

Deputy Head of the Departement 

Mayada Abdel Hadi yas Taha

Department Sections:
Africa Department is a political department oversees the countries in central and southern Africa and consists of two parts:

A-The South African Section.
B-The Middle Section of Africa.


Human Rights Department

Head of the Department: Ambassador Wadih Betty Hanna.

Deputy Head of the Department

Mrs. Barikhan Mahmoud.
Responsible for the follow up of activities related to the united nations, regional and international organisations and non-governmental organisations on human rights. Deals with human rights issues, complaints and violations affecting Iraqis inside the country and abroad, as well as foreign nationals in Iraq.

Department Sections: 
1. United Nations. 
2. Conventions. 
3. Non-Govermental Organisation.
4. Social Affairs (Women and Children).

E-Mail Address:

Consular Department

Head of Department
Deputy Head of Department 

Nasir Abdul Mohsin Abdullah
Duraid Musab Hussein
The Department Tasks:
Offer all consular services to all Iraqi community overseas as well as offer consular services to the Arabs and Foreign citizens based in Iraq. The Consulate is a gate to Iraqis to the world and an inlet to Iraqis based overseas to the Departments and ministries in Iraq.
The Department Sections
1-    Normal, Service and Diplomatic passports and the Consular Supply Section:
This section consists of three units:
•    Service and Diplomatic Passports Unit.
•    Normal Passports Unit.
•    Consular Supply Unit.
It achieves files of verification of issuances of passports and lessee passé via coordination with the Ministry of Interior and Missions overseas, non – objection of issuance of passports, verification of claims and return of passports, exemption of fingerprint, follow up of the passport issuance of service and diplomatic passports to senior officials and personnel’s of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and non – objection of issuance of passports in case of loss.

2-    Visas Issuance Section:
This section consists of three units:
•  Arab and Foreign citizens Unit.
•  Iraqi Delegates Unit.
•  Religious and Tourism Companies Unit.
They address Arab and Foreign embassies accredited to Iraq and our Missions overseas to obtain visas to official delegates and grant visas to Arab and Foreign citizens to Iraq.
3-  Legalization Section:
This section consists of three units:
•  Verification of Attorney General Unit:
This Unit addresses the competent authorities to verify documents upon the request of the official authorities’ weather Iraqi Missions overseas as well as Missions accredited to Iraq, Departments, and Iraqi institutions.

•  Legalization of Documents Unit:
This Section legalizes documents issued by our Missions overseas as well as documents issued by Ministries, Directorates, Universities and Missions accredited to Iraq.

•  Administration of Legalization Unit: 
This Unit is responsible for running the section of legalization including the personnel’s affairs; provide requirements to enable the Unit to fulfill its tasks.

4-  Iraqi Citizens Section:
This section consists of four units:
•    Legal Notifications Unit:
This unit follows up the judicial notifications among Ministries and Missions overseas and vice versa.
•    Health Unit: 
This unit achieves files of the death, birth certificates, obtains approval of coffins overseas to Iraq besides, approval of entry of armored vehicles.
•    Interior Unit:
This unit achieves files of issuance, verification of the nationality card, identification card, non – conviction certificate, driving license to Iraqi citizens based overseas besides files of detained Iraqis overseas.
•    General Unit:
This unit achieves files of all citizens approaching the Consulate Department, such files like non – objection of travel, return of the expatriates as well as all correspondences not part of the tasks of this section.

5-  Arab and Foreign Citizens Section:
This section consists of three units:
•    Arab and African Countries Unit.
•    European and American Countries Unit.
•    Asian, Australian and New Zealand Countries Unit.
This section follows up the interests of the Arab and Foreign citizens based in Iraq as well as addressing Arab and Foreign Missions accredited to Iraq in this regard. 

6-  Consular Affairs Section:
This section consists of two units:
•    The Consulate Affairs Overseas Unit.
•    The Consulate Affairs Inside Iraq Unit.
This section follows up the tasks of the Consulates overseas and inside Iraq.

7-  E-Mail and In-Mail and out-Mail Section:
This section consists of five units:
•    E-Mail Unit:
It consists of unit of the Iraqi, Arab, and Foreign citizens, Verification Unit, Visas and Passports Unit, which they receive and send E-Mails to and from our Missions overseas.
• In-Mail and out-Mail Unit:
It consists of Unit of Arab, Foreign and Iraqi Citizens and Legalization, Unit of Visas and Passports, which is related to the In and Out Mails of the Consulate correspondence as well as distributing letters to the competent authorities and archives of the In Mail issued by the Central Distribution Section.

• Administration Unit:
This unit issues administrative mails of inauguration, release, special circulars of the Consulate besides provide the department with the stationary, hospitality materials, mineral waters; furniture as well as distributing received circulars to the sections and units.  

• Accountancy Unit:
This unit obtains consular fees of the accomplished files issued for citizen, Ministry agents and Firm agents approaching the Consulate and deposits these fees at the Ministry Bank.

• Electronic Archive Unit: 
It consists of five branches each of has its archive of letters, documents issued by the Consulate for the current year and the past years.

Department E-Mail Address:
– In-Mail:
– Out-Mail:
–  Visa & Passports Unit E-Mail: 

Media Office

Head of the Department: Dr. Ahmed Al-Sahaf

Deputy Head of the Department: Omar Mohamed Abde.

The media office consists of the following sections:

A- Coordinating and Media Relations Section: Its tasks are as following:
• Preparing and coordinating for the press conferences and media interviews.
• Arranging the media relation between media and the ministry.
• Arranging the media relation between the ministry’s headquarter and our diplomatic missions abroad by (in& out) system.
• Arranging the media relation between media and the foreign missions and organizations in Iraq.
• Promoting and publishing the ministry’s news and activities and the statements issued by it.
• Administrating the diplomatic forum.

B- E-Media Section: Its tasks are as following:
• Press editing for all ministry’s and minister’s news and activities.
• Managing and programming the website of the ministry (Arabic & English).
• Administrating the official social media pages of the ministry (Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, YouTube).
• Administrating the ministry’s application on the smart phones.
• Administrating the advertising screens in the ministry’s building and arranging its show contents.

C- Monitoring and Analysis Section:Its tasks are as following:
• Monitoring the attitudes of the states and the organizations specialized with Iraq and regional and international issues in different media means.
• Monitoring the local and foreign media news about the minister and ministry.
• Monitoring the criticism and reactions about political and diplomatic attitudes of the minister and the ministry in different media means.
• Gives opinions and press analysis regarding news, opinions, and media attitude that have been mentioned.
• Monitoring the posts in the social media.

D- Technical Section:  Its tasks are as following:
• Producing the weekly TV. Program of the ministry.
• Editing and designing the printed and electronic journal of the ministry.
• Covering all the news and activities of the minister, undersecretaries and the department, (videos, photos).
• Completing the tasks of photograph cutting and promotional designs.
• Following up and determining all the printings of the ministry.

E- Administration and Achieve: Its tasks are as following:
•  Sending, receiving and sorting the mail of the media office.
• Arranging to grant visa to the foreign journalists.
• Paper and electronic archive.
• Following up the administrative issues of the office.

There are also specialized committees to be formed in the media office, regarding the following:
• Preparing and issuing the weekly media status paper.
• Editorial board of the ministry’s journal.
• Representing the ministry in all local & international events, meetings and workshops.
• Developing and training the media skills to prepare specialized media cadres in the missions.
• Supervising the media channels that will be formed in some of our missions abroad.

E-Mail Address:
Foreign Services Institue

Dean of Foreign Services Institute:Adel Mostafa Kamel..

Deputy Head of Foreign Services Institute:

Iman Mohamed Jabr Solagh

Foreign Services Institute
Founded in 1973, the foreign services institute prepares training and development programmes for young  diplomats of various levels to qualify them professionally and linguistically before and during their diplomatic service. Maintains and promotes contacts with similar foreign institutes.

Department Sections:
– Qualifications & Research Section
– Abroad Training Section
– Administration Section
– Library Section

Department’s Work in Brief:
The institute takes the task of preparing the diplomatic and administrative staff, necessary for the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through holding qualification and development courses in the field of languages and diplomacy, and contributes in holding development courses for the rest of the state institutions in various diplomatic fields.

Other Information:
-The (26) qualification course started on 17/08/2008 to 17/03/2009, the number of participants (135)
– Promotion courses throughout 2008, three courses, number of participants (300)
– Probational test throughout 2008, two tests, number of  participants (237)
– Number of researches discussed throughout 2008 (8)

Training Outside Iraq from 2003 up to 08/03/2009:
– Number of training courses (155).
– Number of participants (1199) diplomatic & administrative.
– Granting countries (37).

Email Address:

Office of the Inspector General

Inspector General:Thamer Karim Mohammed

Office Tasks:

1. Inspecting and reviewing all the records of the center of the ministry, the political and consular missions and all the tasks and the activities in order to ensure integrity, transparency and efficiency in their operations and make appropriate recommendations regarding the improvement of procedure.

2. Reviewing and auditing on the ministry’s operations and functions from the perspective of good expense management and the efficiency and effectiveness of the performance and also reviewing any of the ministry’s systems in order to measure performance.

3. Receiving complaints of fraud, waste and abuse of power and mismanagement that affect the interests of the ministry, and to assess its content and take the usual measures on them, and referring complaints to the appropriate investigation authorities, taking into account not delay when responding to complaints and to exercise autonomy in reply to, without forgetting any details contained therein.

4. Providing information and evidences relating to may be criminal operations and submit them to the officials responsible for the concerned law enforcement.

5. Receiving complaints from any source and verify them, or take the initiative to investigate the acts allegedly fraudulent, wasteful, misconduct or incompetence, and take the initiative to investigate the shortcomings in operating the establishment and the maintenance of them.

6. Practicing an activity on the purpose of preventing acts of fraud, waste , abuse and incompetence with a review of legislation, rules, regulations, policies, procedures and transactions, and to provide training and education programs.

7. Providing appropriate recommendations for the purpose of implementing of the Ministry’s business efforts to correct and overcome the shortcomings in the efficiency of performance set by the Office of the Inspector General and the follow-up and monitoring what are implemented of these recommendations.

8. Issuing written policies and procedures in order to provide guidance relating to the functions of Inspector General.

9. Training the officers in the ministry for identifying acts of waste, fraud and abuse act and develop programs in the ministry dedicated to the environment that fosters responsibility, integrity and promotes them.

10.Full cooperation with bodies and concerned authorities to enforce the law and the cooperation with the investigators and the courts of the Iraqi Commission on Public Integrity to assist them in performing their duties.

11. Performing what is required in other duties fall within the limits of their powers.

Office Departments and Functions:

1- Department of Investigations

•To express an opinion on legal matters referred to the office.

•To express an opinion on the recommendations of the investigative committees formed in the ministry and the office and to follow up their implementation.

•Inspect and review complaints and notifications coming to the office.

•Perform administrative investigation, which is performed by the office, and to participate in the investigative ministerial committees approved by the Minister.

•Participate in auditing projects of laws and regulations and instructions for the work of the ministry and to express an opinion on them.

•Follow up with CCAMLR integrity and its offices and coordinating with them on issues of common interest

2. Inspection Department:

The preparation of the annual plan for the inspection of missions abroad and departments in the ministry

Inspect and review of activities of departments and all records and activities of the missions abroad and any related activities, then prepare reports containing appropriate recommendations.

Conduct periodic and sudden inspections on the departments of the ministry as necessary.

Follow up on the implementation of the recommendations of the inspection reports by the relevant authorities.

Follow-up on the observations and reports of the Board of Supreme Audit and the statement of opinion thereon.

Review the employment records in the office and the ministry and compare them with the Foreign Service system.

Checking the files of paperwork carried out by the missions and determines the extent of the commitment to the consular regulations.

Review the paperwork carried out by the consular section in the missions, such as: ratifications, visas, issuance or extension of passports, passport laissez, authorizations, birth and death certificates, and other issues.

3. Contracts Audit Department

Implementation of the decisions issued under directives of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Planning contractual planning.

Checking the contracts signed by the ministry within the investment and operating budget.

Checking the phrasing of tenders made by contracting department and other competent departments and follow-up on correspondence on contracts.

Ongoing financial audit of the expenditure on all projects of the ministry in order to register the irregularities, if found, during the execution of the project and to audit spare parts orders also.

Ongoing inspection of projects inside and outside Iraq, to match the implementation of projects in accordance with the technical specifications fixed in the tender documents and make sure that the Resident Engineer, is of expertise and competence.

Monitoring the work of the analysis and opening bids for tenders committees formed in the ministry.

Checking the letters of guarantee issued inside and outside Iraq continuously in accordance to the directives of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. A special field in the forms sent by the General Secretariat is allocated for the signature of the Inspector General.

Legal audit for tenders which are prepared by the Contracting Section and other departments at the Ministry and verify their commitment to the instructions of the execution of contracts and of investment instructions and the operating budge

Giving legal opinion and advice regarding correspondence on contracts and tenders.

Giving feedback on the implementation mechanism of the contracts signed by the Ministry and request addressing them.

Follow up on the implementation of the work contracted by the Ministry in coordination with the competent departments and acknowledging the percentage of completion reached.

Prepare reports on implementation of the follow-up notes of Board of Supreme Audit on contracts.

Preparation of the required statements for the audited contracts to be sent to the Board of Supreme Audit.

4. Department of Auditing and monitoring

Checking payment and receipt vouchers, receipts and record according to the laws, regulations and instructions of the government accounting system.
Checking complaints of financial corruption and ensure implementation of the ministry’s laws and financial regulations.
Checking balance of the monthly review and auditing the accounting records.
Auditing the carryover and the main accounting records and checking the accounting, financial and statistical data.

Following-up settlement of the funds that are contrary to its debtor and creditor nature in all financial records.

Following-up the reports issued by the Financial Board of Supreme Audit on the financial statements of the ministry and the missions and answering their letters and notes in addition to following-up observations of the Board of Supreme Audit.

Auditing the final accounts at the end of the fiscal year.

Participating in putting the speculative budget.

Supervising the fund, cash and the fixed inventory during and at the end of the fiscal year.

Following-up notes and complaints received from the Integrity Board or any other third party or from the state offices, and answering them.

5. Department of Administrative Affairs:

Preparing the accounting records, review balances, the closing accounts and bills accompanying to them.
Preparing the annual speculative budget and the procedures related to the office personnel.
Following-up the transactions relevant to the Board of Supreme Audit.
Organizing Payment and record vouchers related to the Office transactions.
Keeping financial records related to the office work, activities, duties and tasks assigned to its staff.
Preparing imprest system (Fund).
Auditing appropriations and providing credit.
Preparing and following-up procedures of financing the monthly current accounts in the Ministry of Finance.
Office e-mail:

Complaints e-mail:

Hotline number: 5373072 or 07809176037