The Iraqi Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research attends the signing of a MoU with King’s College London

During his participation in the World Education Forum held in London. The Iraqi Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi, attended the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with King’s College London, on Monday, 20/05/2024.

The MoU included a number of programs related to scientific research, twinning and cultural exchange, and providing a climate of joint cooperation in modern disciplines, especially with regard to artificial intelligence and emerging knowledge spaces.

The Minister of Higher Education stressed the continuation of the policy of global openness in the fields of university education in order to achieve the goals and requirements of sustainable development in Iraq, pointing to the importance of positive partnerships in the field of higher education and scientific research and benefiting from international universities and international experiences in the field of updating programs and curricula, noting at the same time, that the ministry’s decision to adopt the (Bologna Process) in Iraqi universities has provided a suitable environment for cooperation and scientific and academic exchange.

As part of his visit to the United Kingdom, Minister Aboudi met with his counterparts, the Minister of Education and Higher Education of the Republic of Lebanon, Dr. Abbas Al-Halabi, and the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Dr. Ayman Ashour, (separately), and discussed with them the obstacles facing students in the country of study, and the academic problems facing them. He also discussed with his Egyptian counterpart the opening of an Iraqi cultural attaché in the Arab Republic of Egypt, increasing the number of Iraqi students studying in Egypt, and launching the program (Study in Iraq). The two parties also discussed the possibility of joint scientific and academic cooperation between Egyptian and Iraqi universities.