H.E Ambassador Saleh met with Mr. Carl Eriksson and Ms. Susan Eriksson, the Representatives the Council of British International Schools.

During the meeting they discussed ways to enhance the scientific and cultural exchanges between Iraq and the United Kingdom through making field visits to Iraq, pertaining to establishment of English speaking international schools in the country.
The guests expressed their desire to visit Iraq and meet with officials from education institutions in the country, however they highlighted obstacles to achieving this goal, which suppose to be done though the official channels, as official travel warning remain in place.
The Ambassador affirmed that great efforts are made by the British government to overcome barriers facing companies, investors and professors in various universities and academic institutions, hoping that these efforts will soon see the light.
Ambassador Saleh reaffirmed his genuine keenness to help overcoming the challenges in implementation of accreditation system in Iraq, and adaptation of the international educational standards; in addition H.E also highlighted the active role of the Iraqi and British educational institutions and universities in the development and building process in our two countries. In attendance was the Iraqi cultural attaché in London Dr. Nahi Al-Rikabi and Dr. Ghasan Alluaibi from the Legal office at the Embassy.