Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works 03 Oct 84 1- Construction Works for the Rehabilitation of Al-Gwer Bridge, Nineveh Governorate /Iraq.Project ID: KfW/RBD/03-37581-subloan 3a. 2- Announcement of investment opportunity number 19+38 on 9/2/2020. 3- Announcement of investment opportunity number 27 on 26/1/2020. 4- Announcement of investment opportunity number 38 on 9/2/2020 no 1. 5- Announcement of investment opportunity number 38 on 9/2/2020 no 2. 6- Announcement of investment opportunity number 51 on 18/2/2020 . 7- Announcement of investment opportunity number 19+51 on 9-18/2/2020 .