Ambassador meets delegation of Iraqi Ministry of Education

On July 5, 2019, Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the Russian Federation, H.E. Haidar Mansour Hadi, met the envoy of Iraqi Ministry of Education to the Iraqi school in Moscow the educational supervisor Mr.Mohammed Hassan Jayad, the Iraqi school director Mr. Ali Khazraji and the second person in the embassy Dr. Jaber Najm Abdullah, to discuss the conduct of the examination in the Iraqi school in Moscow and the ways by which the embassy can support the Iraqi school and upgrade its work.

At the beginning of the meeting, H.E. affirmed that the Iraqi school in Moscow represents the Iraqi educational heritage after it was founded in 1957 and was opened in the name of the Iraqi Government. It was the first Arab school opened outside the borders of the Arab world in Europe, noting that this great history made it the first destination for the members of the Arab community in general and the Iraqi community in particular to send their children for study because of the advanced scientific level provided by teaching staff of the school. H.E. affirmed the support of the Iraqi embassy for the school Director and staff in their educational mission, noting that the Iraqi school in the Russian Federation is one of the first priorities of the work of the Iraqi embassy because it is considered the Iraqi scientific face in Russia, and it is included within the scientific services to the Iraqi community in order to provide Iraqi educational climate for the Iraqi community living in Russia. H.E. listened to them as they talked about the progress of the final exams for the sixth high class, both scientific and literary, stressing the keenness of the Iraqi Ministry of Education to provide all necessary requirements for the students during the performance of the exams.

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