Official Tender Announcement

Tender No. (4) / First Announcement

2025 – Projects and Works Covered by the Federal General Budget Law for the Years 2023-2024

Regions Development – Schedule H Attachments to the Budget Law

The Government Contracts Department in Muthanna Governorate announces a tender for the implementation of the project “Construction of Rahab Secondary Station (33/11) Capacity (2×31.5) M.V.A with the establishment of a dual 33 kV feeder in Salman”, within the projects and works covered by the Federal General Budget Law for the years 2023-2024 according to the Regions Development allocations in Schedule H.

The project includes the construction of Rahab Secondary Station and the execution of necessary civil works according to the specified terms and technical specifications.

This announcement invites qualified bidders with experience to submit their proposals for project implementation, according to the details and requirements specified in the tender documents.

For more information, please contact the Government Contracts Department in Muthanna Governorate during business hours via the official email from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM.

[email protected].

The tender closing date is at 10:00 AM on Monday, June 10, 2024, and submission via email is not allowed.

Note: All bidders must comply with the terms and conditions of the announced tender.