Curriculum Vitae

Mr. Mohamed A. Alhakim.
Foreign Minister of the Republic of Iraq
General Experience:
- Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCWA (2017-2018).
- Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations, New York (2013-2017).
- Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations, Geneva (2010-2013).
- Elected by member states of the United Nations General Assembly, as Chairman of the Credentials Committee of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Meeting (2015).
Foreign Ministry –Headquarters (2006-2010)
- Managing European Department affairs: supervising 28 embassies and consulates.
- Managing Arab affairs Department: supervising 22 embassies and consulates, and activities of the Arab League.
- Directing governmental organizations and United Nations organizations, and the activities of Iraq representations in the United Nations and its agencies such as ESCWA and the World Health Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (WHO-EMRO).
- Directing policy planning: Oversaw research, development and follow-up on international issues.
Other Governmental Experiences
- Member of the Iraq National Assembly and Foreign Relations committee (2005-2006)
- Minister of Telecommunications (2004-2005)
- Chairman of the Arab Council of Ministers of Telecommunications and Information, League of Arab States (2004-2005)
- Acting Minister of Finance (2004-2005)
- Coordinator of Ministry of Planning (May-September 2003)
- Deputy Secretary-General of the Iraqi Governing Council (July 2003-May 2004)
Academic education, scientific research and the private sector:
- Accumulated experience in the private sector and academia and university research.
- University teaching in management and technology (Northeastern University, Massachusetts, USA).
- Partnerships with private sector institutions to support students, research and development activities, and training programs.
- Lecturer at the Diplomatic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on political, security and economic issues.
- Supervised “research projects” prepared by diplomats in the rank of adviser and minister plenipotentiary.
- Published articles on the United Nations, and political and economic issues in Iraq in Arabic language.
Education and Degrees
- Doctorate in Management of Engineering, University of Southern California, United States of America
- Master of Science and Technology, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Bachelor of Arts in Education and Statistics, Al-Mustansiriya University, Iraq
Personal information
- Born in Iraq in 1952.
- Speaks Arabic and English.