Iraq’s Chargé d’Affaires a.i in Seoul Meets Chairman of Iraqi-Korean Friendship Association

Tuesday, May 28, 2024. The Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Seoul, Dr. Mohammad Mustafa Jumma met with Mr. Han Byung-do, member of the Korean National Assembly and Chairman of the Iraqi-Korean Friendship Association, in his office at the National Assembly haedquarters. During the meeting Dr. Jumma congratulated Mr. Han, on his re-election to the Korean National Assembly , praising his role in strengthening relations between Iraq and Korea through presiding the Friendship Association, his visits to Iraq, and urging Korean companies to invest in the Iraqi market, expressing his aspiration for continued cooperation and communication to support all aspects of cooperation between the two countries. On his part Mr. Han, thanked the Charge d’Affaires for his visit, stressing his great interest to enhance relations between Iraq and Korea, and his aspiration to visit Iraq accompanied by a delegation of government officials and businessmen from major Korean companies, to learn about the great developments Iraq is witnessing in various fields, including Security and economy.