Iraq and Tunisia signs Memorandums of Understanding in several Fields

On Sunday, May 12,2024. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, and his Tunisian counterpart, Mr. Nabil Ammar, attended the signing of memorandums of understanding between Iraq and Tunisia in Baghdad, to promote and strengthen bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries and consolidate mutual cooperation between them, which will reflect positively on the developing of economic, commercial, investment and security relations, to serve the interests of both countries, in this regard, the following memorandums of understanding were signed:
-A memorandum of understanding between the Iraqi Ministry of Education and its Tunisian counterpart, and was signed on the Tunisian side by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration, and Tunisians Abroad, and on the Iraqi side by the Minister of Education, Mr. Ibrahim Namis al Jubouri.
– A memorandum of understanding in the security field between the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, represented by the Minister of Interior, Mr. Abdul Amir Al Shammari.
– A memorandum of understanding on traditional industries cooperation between the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and its Tunisian counterpart, signed by the Minister of Industry, Dr. Khaled Battal, and Tunisian Foreign Minister, Mr. Ammar Nabil.
– A memorandum of understanding between the Ministries of labor and social affairs of both countries, and was signed on the Iraqi side by the Minister Mr. Ahmed Al Assadi, and on the Tunisian side by His Excellency Ammar Nabil.
– A memorandum of understanding on environmental protection, signed on the Iraqi side by the Minister of Environment, Nizar Mohammed Saeed Amidi, and on the Tunisian side, His Excellency Nabil Ammar.
– A memorandum of understanding in the pharmaceutical and health field, between the Iraqi and Tunisian Ministry of Health, was signed on the Iraqi side by Dr. Saleh Al Hasnawi and on the Tunisian side by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration, and Tunisians Abroad.
– Signing an Annex to amend a memorandum of understanding in the fields of sports and youth between the ministries of the two countries, Iraq was represented by Dr. Ahmed Al Mubarqa, while the Tunisian side was represented by His Excellency Nabil Ammar.
– A memorandum of understanding in the field of religious affairs between the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities of the Republic of Iraq, represented by His Excellency the Minister of Culture, Dr. Ahmed Fakak Al-Badrani, and Mr. Nabil Ammar on the Tunisian side.
– Signing a memorandum of understanding on civil protection cooperation between the Iraqi Civil Defense Directorate and the Office of Civil Protection of the Republic of Tunisia.
– A memorandum of Understanding for cooperation between the Mayoralty of Baghdad and the Municipality of Tunisia.
– A memorandum of understanding on developing trade exchanges between the Iraqi and Tunisian Ministry of Commerce.
The memorandums of understanding will contribute to developing economic and investment cooperation paths between the Republic of Iraq and the Republic of Tunisia, in addition to activating the strategic partnership of cooperation to achieve common aspirations, as well enhancing the levels of bilateral cooperation towards greater joint action that will benefits both countries and the two brotherly peoples, additionally, enhancing investment activity by investors of the two countries, and ensuring achieving economic cooperation and integration between the two sides.