Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Meets his Lebanese Counterpart

On Thursday, February 29, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein met with Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Mr. Abdallah Bou Habib, on the sidelines of the Third Antalya Diplomacy Forum, which is being held in Antalya, Turkey.

During the meeting, they discussed the latest developments in the region and exchanged views on them, Minister Hussein stressed Iraq’s concern for Lebanon’s security, and the necessity of distancing it from war, pointing to Iraq’s firm position on the Palestinian issue, and standing by the Palestinian people to achieve their aspirations and obtain their full legitimate rights, indicating the threat of the occupation entity’s control over the West Bank, and its impact on the region.

On his part, Minister Bou Habib stressed Lebanon’s demand to preserve the Lebanese borders safety, and the return of the occupied territory to Lebanon. 

The two ministers also emphasized the need for de-escalation and to not take steps that exacerbate tension and destabilize the region, as well as the need for international community to assume its responsibilities, find solutions to war and secure a ceasefire, in addition to provide the necessary legal protection for the brotherly Palestinian people, and the importance of delivering aid to them.