The Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq in Rome meets the Diplomatic Adviser of the President of the Italian Republic

The Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq in Rome, Siwan Barzani, met with the Diplomatic Adviser to the President of the Italian Republic, Mr. Fabio Cassese, at the Quirinal Presidential Palace, in the capital, Rome, accompanied by the economic file official at the embassy, First Secretary Dr. Saad Raad Khalil.
Where the Ambassador reviewed the importance of the Iraqi-Italian relations and the extent of their development as a result of the relentless diplomatic efforts made by the two sides to consolidate these relations, especially in the period that coincided with Italy taking over the management of the NATO mission in Iraq, which represents the highest levels of cooperation in the security aspect at the level of Iraq and the region. In addition to strengthening and developing economic cooperation between the two friendly countries in relation to the volume of trade exchange, which reached $4.2 billion until July 2022. The Ambassador also demonstrated the keenness and seriousness of the Iraqi government in bilateral relations by organizing mutual visits at the highest levels, as well as providing a safe environment for investment companies. The foreign and Italian ones in particular, which work in the field of energy and associated gas, and the extent of Iraq’s ability to provide for the shortage in Italy and European countries as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.
For his part, Mr. Fabio Cassese welcomed the ambassador’s visit to the presidential palace, stressing the importance of the Iraqi-Italian relations, and the extent of their development, especially in the security and economic field. He also indicated during his speech the interest of the Italian government and its willingness to organize mutual visits of senior officials of the two governments, to sign agreements and memorandums of understanding that contribute to The interest of the two countries, which resulted from the concerted diplomatic efforts of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq to Italy with the concerned Italian authorities and institutions.