Head of the Department of Human Rights Meets Spanish Chargé d’Affaires in Baghdad

On 31/03/2022, Ambassador Dr Hisham Al-Alawi, Head of the Department of Human Rights, met Ms Maria de los Reyes Fernandez Bulnes, Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain to Iraq, at the Ministry’s headquarters. The meeting began with words of welcome between the two sides, where the most important common issues between the two countries and ways to enhance them in the interests of the two friendly peoples were addressed.
Ambassador Al-Alawi reviewed the importance of the role played by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in addressing files and issues related to the support and protection of human rights in Iraq, along with the Iraqi national institutions, referring to the tireless efforts of the Iraqi government to remove the remnants of terrorism and its repercussions in returning the displaced in a manner that guarantees their just rights, and the rehabilitation of victims and expedite their integration into society, especially children and women.
The Ambassador also affirmed that Iraq seeks to address many urgent files such as the missing, cases of enforced disappearance and victims of terrorism, and to clarify the weight of the responsibility entrusted to its government towards these urgent issues to the international community and to expand cooperation with it.
On her part, Ms Bulnes commended Iraq’s efforts to protect and consolidate human rights, and affirmed her country’s support to the Iraqi government’s endeavours on this field, and asked for a list of the numbers of Spanish nationals in al-Hol camp, as the Ambassador promised to approach the concerned authorities in this regard.
At the conclusion of the meeting, both sides expressed their keenness to expand cooperation between the two countries.