Ambassador of Republic of Iraq to Sofia meets Bulgarian Deputy Foreign Minister

The ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to Sofia, Mrs. Lina Jalal Omar, met the Bulgarian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mrs. Zaritsa Denkova, at the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
At the outset of the meeting, the Deputy Foreign Minister expressed her condolences to Iraq over the fire that engulfed Imam Hussein Hospital in Nasiriyah, which claimed the lives of a large number of citizens. She emphasized Bulgaria’s support for Iraq, and highlighted the opportunities available for the two countries to restore and develop economic cooperation and continue to encourage investment between Iraqi and Bulgarian companies.
For her part, the Ambassador thanked the Deputy Foreign Minister for offering her condolences, praised the medical sector in Bulgaria in addition to the expertise of Bulgarian doctors, and stressed the desire of Iraqi students to study in Bulgaria, especially in the field of medicine.
During the meeting, the Ambassador praised the distinguished cooperation of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Iraqi Embassy in Sofia, wishing the government and people of Bulgaria a successful completion of the parliamentary elections and the formation of the new Bulgarian government as soon as possible.
Mrs. Omar praised the close relations between the two friendly countries, and the Republic of Bulgaria’s cooperation and support to Iraq by sending military advisors within the international coalition forces.
During the meeting, they discussed a number of issues that are moving in accelerated steps towards achievement, most notably the signing of a number of memoranda of understanding between the two countries, studying the possibility of opening a direct aviation line between Baghdad and Sofia to enhance cooperation between the two countries, and working on to implement and accomplish a number of exchanged visits between senior officials of the two countries.
Mrs. Omar called for a meeting of businesswomen in Iraq or Bulgaria, which will always contribute to promoting investment and good cooperation between the two countries.