Iraq is with any Effort, or Negotiations among Nuclear-Weapon States to Achieve a Serious Reduction in the Stockpiles Weapons for a World Free of these Weapons.

Foreign Minister Mohamad A. Alhakim gave the speech of the Republic of Iraq at the high-level session of the Conference on Disarmament, in which he stated that the presence of Iraq in the conference is an affirmation of the importance of disarmament, and Iraq’s commitment to that enhance the credibility of the collective responsibility of the international community in its efforts to achieve the general and complete goal of disarmament, pointing out that the region is witnessing a sensitive stage in light of the increasing regional crises and political tensions in the international environment, which exacerbates the risks of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Minister Alhakim stated that Iraq welcomes all initiatives and activities aimed at returning the conference to implement the mandate entrusted to it in the spirit of cooperation prevailing among the six presidents of this year, calling for a serious stance by all member states to restore the conference to implement its role, explaining that Iraq shares the position of the states with the obligation to keep nuclear disarmament a top priority for the conference.
In his speech, Minister Al-Hakim clarified Iraq’s point of view regarding the main issues on the conference’s agenda, the technological advancement in this field will enhance the risk of continuing this armament.
Adding that Iraq supports any effort or negotiations among the nuclear-weapon states to reach a serious reduction in the weapons stockpiles for a world free of these weapons, and called for a binding international legal instrument by which the nuclear-weapon states give unconditional guarantees to non-nuclear-weapon states not to use, or threaten to use nuclear weapons.
Minister Alhakim warned that the continued production of fissile material is a danger to achieving the goal of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, noting that outer space is a common heritage of mankind that should be discovered for peaceful purposes only, and weaponizing it leads to a destructive arms race.
Minister Alhakim concluded by stating that the achievement of the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons depends first of all on achieving the universality of the Treaty on the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and the comprehensive implementation of its provisions in line with achieving the goals of sustainable development 2030, and that Iraq welcomes the outputs of the Conference on the establishment of a zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, which was held at the United Nations headquarters in New York in November 2019. Minister Alhakim emphasized Iraq’s support for the return of negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program on the basis of equitable negotiations for all parties that guarantee security and peace in our region, and reduce the tension caused by the United State’s withdrawal from the agreement.