Foreign Minister Meets with his Jordanian Counterpart and Praises Cooperation with Jordan

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim met with Jordanian Foreign Minister Mr. Ayman Al-Safadi. Minister Alhakim stressed Iraq’s keenness to establish strong relations with neighboring countries, and to stay away from bias policy , to distance itself from any regional and international conflicts in the region, stressing the importance of moving forward to achieve decisions of the meetings that took place between the officials of the two countries, and the tripartite summit between Iraq, Jordan and Egypt to serve as a model for the rest of the countries of the region to build strategic relations based on common interests and facing the challenges of terrorism, regional crises that contribute to creating a system for peace and stability.
The two sides emphasized coordination to find common positions in international and regional forums within the Arab group, especially the issue of the central issue of the Arabs which is the Palestinian issue and recent developments in this file, in addition to Iraq’s role in managing the meetings of the League of Arab States and the position on rejecting any agreement that deprives the Palestinian people of their rights and land.
The two Ministers also touched on the importance of creating economic partnerships between the two countries to achieve economic integration, which will positively reflect on the overall bilateral relationship.