Foreign Minister: The overlaps and intertwines that our world is witnessing today in terms of its international relations does not make any country safe and isolated from the challenges and problems that other countries face

Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein called for preserving regional and international security, and achieving its requirements considering that the safety of states and the security of their peoples require great collective efforts in which states share responsibilities and obligations to obtain the atmosphere of peaceful coexistence and lasting stability.
Foreign Minister Mr. Fuad Hussein explained that the overlapping and intertwining that our world is witnessing today in terms of its international relations does not make any country safe or isolated from the challenges and problems that other countries face,stating that the geographical factor is no longer a secure barrier to ward off cross-border dangers and disasters.
This came in a speech delivered by the Minister at the IISS Manama Dialogue Conference 2020 / Regional Security Summit (16) under the title(Conflict Resolution in the Middle East) that is being held in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The Minister stressed that the absence of conflict resolution mechanisms in the region made it one of the most tense and volatile regions in the world, and created conditions of instability which effects have become fixed indicating at the forefront of these crises is the Palestinian issue, the right to self-determination for the Palestinian people according to their will, and the vision of their leadership and conflicts in Syria, Libya and Yemen.
Minister Fuad Hussein affirmed that establishing the foundations of stability in the Middle East will not be achieved unless stable, realistic and lasting policies are adopted to resolve conflict and defuse crises in the region by peaceful means.
Regarding the situation in Iraq, the Minister affirmed that the government is working to rebuild the liberated cities after being freed from the grip of Da’esh terrorist organisation, re-establishing state control over all areas and cities that the terrorist organization has violated, and return the displaced to their areas of residence, and provide them with living necessities in a way that alleviates their human suffering.
Minister Fuad Hussein pointed to the health challenges represented by the outbreak of the Corona virus pandemic, its economic repercussions, and the difficulty that the Iraqi health institutions face in absorbing the increasing number of infections.
Minister Fuad Hussein noted the Iraqi government’s endeavor to impose the power of the state and the rule of law, to complete the requirements for holding free and fair elections next year, to respond to the popular demands expressed by the demonstrations, and to spare Iraq from becoming an arena for conflicts or a starting point for attacks on neighboring countries.