Press Statement

Some media outlets have reported fragmented remarks by the Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations alleging criticism of the peaceful demonstrations in Baghdad and a number of Iraqi Governorates.
In this context, we would like to point out that the statement made by the Permanent Representative of Iraq represents an official statement of the Republic of Iraq in the Security Council, which was prepared according to the contexts followed in the preparation of official statements through the competent department and with the approval of the Minister on its language and content.
The speech reviewed the right of demonstrations guaranteed by the constitution, praised the maturity of the demonstrators in expressing their true demands, and the measures taken by the government to protect them, and the formation of committees to investigate the attacks which they were subjected to.
The circulated material in internet sites is a speech that has been removed from its proper substantive context; in order to create a state of discontent and resentment in the community, in addition to that the word included the praise of the demonstrations as a practical manifestation of the public movement that reflects the state of maturity, and the democratic integration of the Iraqi people in expressing their legitimate demands, which the government responded to as far as the executive side, and sent what needs to be legislated to the Council of Representatives, which in turn formulates the appropriate legislation.
It is worth mentioning that the Foreign Ministry has always expressed the official position of the government towards the demonstrations, and considered it a legitimate right guaranteed by the Constitution, and called on the demonstrators to be vigilant against strange groups who want to create disturbances, chaos, , disturb the security, divert the demonstrations from their course, and distort the image of civil demands and reform which the religious authority in Najaf had warned about in its speeches.
In this regard, we emphasize the importance of not relying on what is published on social media sites as an official source that conveys the truth, but we stress to take the information from its official sources in order to investigate and stand on the truth, as we emphasize that there are those who do not want the prosperity of Iraq and its people, and all must join positions in order to fail the opportunity on those who don’t want good for our country.
Iraqi Foreign Ministry