Foreign Ministers of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq Hold a Tripartite Meeting on Sidelines of 18th Summit of Non-Aligned Movement in Baku.

The Ministers discussed ways to implement the outcomes of the second summit that brought together His Majesty King Abdullah II, His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and President Barham Saleh in New York last month, and within the framework of tripartite work aimed at achieving common interests of the three countries and Arab interests.
The Ministers agreed to hold the next ministerial meeting in Amman early next month; in preparation for the next tripartite summit at the level of leaders to be held in Baghdad.
During the meeting, the Ministers discussed the joint relations between the three countries, means of developing economic, developmental and cultural cooperation, mechanisms to activate the work of the relevant technical sectors, and further coordination and political consultation between the three countries.
The Ministers discussed the latest developments in the region, including the Palestinian issue, the Syrian crisis, the joint war on terrorism, and the latest developments in the Yemeni and Libyan crises.
During the meeting, Minister Sameh Shoukry briefed his counterparts on the developments related to the Renaissance Dam negotiations and the outcomes of the meeting held by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abi Ahmed in Sochi , affirming that Egypt is seeking a solution that preserves the rights of the three countries, based on international law and the rules of international legitimacy, and through a binding agreement, so as not to harm Egypt’s interests and water security.
On their part, the two Ministers, Mr. Ayman Al-Safadi and Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim affirmed that Jordan and Iraq stand with the Arab Republic of Egypt in its quest to protect its water rights, and resolve the dispute through negotiations in accordance with international legitimacy and to preserve the rights of the three countries.
The Foreign Ministers affirmed the support of the Government of the Republic of Iraq in its efforts aimed at achieving security and stability, to fulfill the aspirations of the Iraqi people, and preserve the gains achieved in the victory over the Da’esh terrorist gangs in Iraq.
The Ministers also discussed preparations for the Conference on the Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone and Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East, to be held on 18 November in New York.