Foreign Minister Meets with Finance Committee of the Council of Representatives

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim discussed with the Finance Committee in the Council of Representatives the budget of the ministry, noting that the budget in 2020 should take into consideration the requirements of the Ministry and its missions deployed in the world, and the international contributions of Iraq, and provide more support for the performance of its national tasks specified by the Constitution and the government program.
This came during a meeting that included the Foreign Minister and Mr. Haitham Al-Jubouri, Chairman of the Finance Committee and its members.
Minister Alhakim stated that the Ministry and its missions play a major role in opening Iraq to the world, arranging agreements and memorandums of understanding to attract investment, expressing the ministry’s aspiration to increase the area of diplomatic representation of Iraq in a number of countries where Iraq does not have representation to open prospects for cooperation and important partnerships with these Countries .