Foreign Minister Meets with UN Special Representative of Secretary-General in Iraq,Ms. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert

Foreign Minister Mr. Mohamad A. Alhakim met with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General Ms.Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert .
During the meeting, they discussed the latest developments on the Iraqi arena and the role of the United Nations in the current circumstances, praising its support to Iraq and its role in strengthening relations and expressed the extent of the Government’s confidence in the performance of UN mission in continuing to assist Iraq and restore stability, and promoting reconstruction as an umbrella for all peoples and countries, calling for concerted international efforts to create a secure environment, eliminate terrorist organizations and restore stability.
Minister Alhakim expressed Iraq’s keenness to participate in the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly and its committees, which are of interest to Iraq, considering it is an important opportunity to discuss ways of cooperation between States to enable the development of sustainable solutions to the problems facing the international community, and to reach visions that respond to the aspirations of peoples.
Minister Alhakim expressed the hope that the United Nations would play a greater role in assisting Iraq in various fields.