The Undersecretary for Legal Affairs and Multilateral Relations Meets Ambassador of Republic of Uzbekistan to State of Kuwait

Mr. Hazem Al-Youssifi, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary for Legal Affairs and Multilateral Relations met Mr. Bakhromjon Aloev , Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the State of Kuwait. After exchanging greetings, Mr. Aloev conveyed the greetings of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the President Dr. Barham Saleh, Prime Minister Dr. Adel Abdul Mahdi, and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Foreign Minister Mohamad A. Alhakim, expressing his country’s readiness to cooperate in all political and economic fields and to establish and strengthen relations between the two countries.
The issue of the repatriation of children of Uzbek nationality was discussed, Mr. Al-Youssifi affirmed that Iraq, believes in human values and the rights of children and applying the relevant international conventions, and is working to hand over the children and return them to their original countries. Iraq handed over more than 500 children of different nationalities to their countries of origin, and affirmed the readiness of the Foreign Ministry to provide all support on the subject of the transportation of children of Uzbek nationality. Concerning women belonging to Da’esh of Uzbek nationality Mr. Hazem stated that the judiciary system previously issued decision to resolve their issues in accordance with Iraqi laws in force and based on the evidence available against them in line with the standards and the relevant international conventions.