السيرة الذاتية
Name: Baker Fattah HUSSEN
Birthday: 01 July 1957 Sulaimaniya / IRAQ
Marital status: Married / Two Daughters
1978 BSc. Chemistry / Sulaimaniya University Iraq
1991 Vocational Diploma / Advanced Information Technology Tehran
1997 Diploma in Spanish Language and Culture / Spain
1999 Diploma / International Relations and Diplomatic Issues / Italy
Positions and Works:
2005–2009 Member of Parliament in Kurdistan Region Iraq
2009–2010 Ambassador in the Iraq Foreign Ministry
2010–2013 Ambassador of Iraq to Brazil
2013–2017 Ambassador of Iraq to the Kingdom of Sweden
2017–2018 Ambassador, Head of the Department of Europe in the Iraqi MOFA
2019 MAR Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to Austria
1978 Member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)
1992 Member of Human Rights Committee of the Iraqi National Congress
1994 Member of Founding Board of the Kurdish-Spanish Cultural Association
1998 Member of the Founding Board of Kurdish Relief Committee
Kurdish (m. tongue) , Arabic, English, Farsi, Spanish, Italian & Portuguese