Category: conferences

Archaeological sites in Dohuk

Dohuk Museum: containing a wide range of archaeological pieces of around (1000 pieces) with in the period between stone ages and Islamic age. Amediya City: located on the historic silk road, it had three...

Archaeological sites in Dhi Qar

The archaeological city of Ur: Ur is a Sumerian city located in southern Mesopotamia in the province of Dhi Qar. Today, the ruins of Ur represent a prominent archaeological site in Sumer from the...

Urartu civilization

It was formed in the eastern Mediterranean, down to the southwest of the Caspian Sea, specifically in the Armenian plateau.Its name is known from the Assyrian language, which gave it this name.The people of...

How far do you know about Mayan civilization?

Far away in Central America, specifically in Mexico, there was an ancient civilization whose traces are still seen until this day, 2000 BC, it’s called the “Mayan” civilization, whose people spoke different dialects of...

Archaeological sites in Basra

The meeting point of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers :This river, Shatt al-Arab, is formed from the meeting of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which is located in southeastern Iraq in the city of...


Babylon is one of the largest ancient cities in Mesopotamia (Iraq).King Hammurabi, the sixth king of the first Babylonian dynasty, and the first king of the Babylonian Empire, whose rule lasted between 1792-1750 BC.Babylon...

Assyrian Empire

 Assyria is located in the northern part of Mesopotamia, which represents most parts of modern Iraq and contains four main capitals, namely, the city of Assyria, Nineveh, the city of Calah (Nimrud) and Dur-Sharrukin...