Meeting with the Minister of Tourism aiming to intensify Bulgarian-Arab tourism

The Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to Bulgaria H.E. Mrs. Lina Omar attended a meeting organized by the Charge d’affaires  of the Libyan Embassy in Bulgaria, H.E. Mr. Moftah Dreni, which was held in the Embassy of Libya in Sofia and was attended by the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Hristo Prodanov and  the Deputy Minister of Tourism Mrs. Mariela Modeva. The meeting aimed to intensify the Bulgarian-Arab relations in the tourism sector.
Minister Prodanov welcomed the Arab ambassadors present and expressed his support and readiness for cooperation in the tourism sector and its development between Bulgaria and the countries of the Arab world.
During the meeting, the Minister and his Deputy pointed out that one of the priorities of the Ministry is to facilitate the process of issuing entry visas, for which purpose a joint working group was established between the competent authorities on this topic, as well as steps and procedures for preparation of an agreement for tourism development are being taken.
Special attention was paid to the health tourism between Bulgaria and Libya.
Ambassador Lina Omar and the others attenders at the meeting praised the development of the tourism sector and especially the medical tourism in Bulgaria- a country of international fame and popularity with this type of tourism.
 The meeting was attended by the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps H.E. Mr. Ahmed Al-Madbuh, Ambassador of the State of Palestine,  the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia H.E. Mr. Khalil Kamal Fakih and the Ambassador of the State of Qatar H.E. Mr. Fahd Ibrahim Al-Mushiri.