Visit of the Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the city of Burgas at the invitation of the mayor of the city

On 15.05.2023, the Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq H.E. Mrs. Lina Omar visited the Burgas Municipality, in response to an invitation by the Mayor of Burgas, Mr. Dimitar Nikolov. During the visit, discussions were held in various spheres of economic, trade, tourism, and educational cooperation. Mr. Nikolov extended an invitation to Mayors, Rectors of universities, and Businessmen, emphasizing the willingness of the local authorities in the city of Burgas to attract foreign and Arab investors in order to strengthen cooperation with Arab countries, among which Iraq was highlighted in the first place. It is an interesting fact that Burgas is the second largest city in Bulgaria and one of the most important tourist cities in the Balkans, having also one of the largest airports in Bulgaria, as well as a port located on the Black Sea, which gives the city great importance.

For her part, the Ambassador welcomed the invitation to visit the city, emphasizing the desire of the Iraqi government to strengthen cooperation with the Republic of Bulgaria, especially in the economic and cultural spheres, and highlighted the interest of Iraqi students to study in Bulgarian universities in the field of medicine and information technology. The visit was attended by Ambassadors of the Arab countries in Bulgaria and other high-ranked guests.