The Iraqi Defense Minister visited the Iraqi Еmbassy

On June 2, 2022, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Iraq, Mr. Jumaa Inad Saadoun, and his accompanying delegation visited the Iraqi Embassy in Sofia, where they were welcomed by the Iraqi Ambassador H.E. Mrs. Lina Omar and  the diplomatic mission staff. The visit is part of the official visit of the Minister to the Bulgarian capital Sofia.
During the meeting with the Iraqi delegation, Ambassador Omar expressed hope that the official visit was successful and fruitful for the Iraqi country, emphasizing the efforts to strengthen the traditionally strong friendly ties between Bulgaria and Iraq at the governmental and civic levels.
For his part, the Minister of Defense praised the embassy’s efforts for the good organization and its role in the successful implementation of the visit,  for which helped the good communication with Bulgaria, and expressed hope that the Iraqi Embassy in Bulgaria will continue to carry out  its diplomatic activity and mission successfully .
At the end of the visit, the Minister presented as a gift a souvenir to the Embassy and expressed hope for future visits.