Ambassador Lina Omar participates in the virtual meeting of the Bulgarian-Iraqi Business Forum for Promoting Bilateral Trade Opportunities

On June 16, 2021, Ambassador Lina Jalal Omar participated in a virtual business conference through the Zoom program, between the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chamber of Commerce of Baghdad.

 Mr. Valentin Nikolov, interim head of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Baghdad, and the Representatives of Bulgarian and Iraqi companies took part in the event.

In her introductory speech, Ambassador Lina Omar expressed Iraq’s desire to restore and deepen its contacts with Bulgaria to the levels it was decades ago in all aspects in general and in particular in economic terms, as well as to discuss prospects for cooperation between the two countries. in the field of investment.

Ambassador Lina Omar stressed the need to attract Bulgarian companies to participate in the reconstruction of Iraq through tenders and investment opportunities, which are regularly announced by Iraqi ministries.

For his part, the interim head of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Iraq, Mr. Nikolov expressed the need to develop business contacts to increase trade between the two countries, especially in the food, energy, mechanical engineering, pharmaceutical and electronics industries.

Representatives of Bulgarian and Iraqi companies that took part in the online conference also exchanged contacts and received information on the current trade, economic and investment climate in the two countries.

The President of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetanov and the President of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce Mr. Firas Rasul Jafar Al-Hamdani expressed their readiness to resume the traditional trade relations between the two countries after the travel restrictions were lifted.

The event was held with the support and assistance of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Baghdad and the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Sofia.