The Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq H.E. Lina Omar met with the President of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Tsvetan Simeonov

During the meeting, the Ambassador stressed the importance of transforming the available investment opportunities between the two countries into implemented projects, as well as expanding the areas of joint cooperation and increasing mutual investments. The meeting also the discussed the need to activate the Memorandum of Understanding between the Chambers of Commerce of Iraq and Bulgaria, which would lead to a new impetus to trade relations between the two countries. Ambassador Lina Omar expressed her desire to create a forum for Iraqi businessmen with the participation of the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and the Bulgarian Investment Agency, and to coordinate meetings with Iraqi investors. For his part, Mr. Tsvetan Simeonov pointed out the importance of trade between the two countries, after the great development of bilateral economic relations between the two countries in the 80s and stressed that Bulgaria has opportunities and advantages to attract capital and foreign investment, especially after the country’s accession to the European Union in 2007.  Mr. Simeonov also welcomed the idea of organizing future meetings with Bulgarian businessmen in Iraq with the support of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Embassy of Iraq in Bulgaria.