President of the Republic of Iraq, H.E. Dr. Barham Salih, addressed the General Assembly

The United Nations General Assembly held its high-level meetings for the second day under the item of general debate, which included listening to the national statements of heads of state and governments.  The statements generally referred to the major challenges facing the international community, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, armed conflicts, terrorism, expansionary and interventionist policies of some countries, lack of respect for international law and the United Nations Charter, climate change, the crisis of the emigrants and IDP’s, and the increase in the arms race.  As well as the urgent need to raise the level of international cooperation.

The President of the Republic of Iraq, H.E. Dr. Barham Salih, addressed the General Assembly, in which he referred in general to:

  • The great risks of the Covid-19 pandemic as a serious threat to the lives of citizens in Iraq and around the world.
  • Emphasizing the importance of solidarity and joint action between states and societies to face current threats.
  • Emphasis on fairness in distributing the Covid-19 vaccine, if it is developed, so that the poorest countries can easily obtain it.
  • The government of Iraq has worked, with the available capabilities to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Corruption and terrorism are no less dangerous than the Covid-19 pandemic.  And that indolence in the fight against terrorism could cause this terrorist groups to reorganize its remnants.
  • Addressing the human massacres against the Yazidis and Shiite Turkmen.  And the government is working to return them to their hometowns, along with other groups that have been affected by the fierce terrorist attack.
  • The drop in oil prices caused an economic crisis that struck the country and negatively affected the government’s efforts to fight the pandemic.

  • Addressing the protests and popular movement and urgent request for change and political and administrative reform, with the aim of holding an early elections in a democratic and transparent atmosphere.
  • The government also have tasks that are represented in controlling uncontrolled weapons and ending the stage of chaos and extremism in order to reach societal peace.
  • Referring to the recent statement of the supreme religious authority, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, issued after his Eminence received the SRSG in Iraq, and he clearly expressed the necessity of those tasks to correct the course of the political process and reach good governance.
  • Iraq requests the assistance of the UN in the field of technical and audit  support to ensure the integrity of the elections and to avoid fraud and manipulation of the results.
  • Indicating that an independent and sovereign Iraq will be a point of convergence of the common interests of the peoples and countries of the region and the starting point for a regional order based on economic cooperation and collective security in the face of terrorism and extremism.

In conclusion, the President stressed the importance of the United Nations in facing cross-border challenges, combating pandemics, climate change, peace and security, and to deal with the humanitarian crisis of refugee and IDP’s.

following is the link of the recoded video of the speech: