Permanent Representative met with the High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations

The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Iraq, Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr al-Uloom met with the High Representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Mr. Miguel Angel Moratinos, at the headquarters of the Alliance of Civilizations Office on Wednesday 15/5/2019 to discuss the work plan of the Alliance of Civilizations Office to protect religious sites and the importance of benefiting from the Iraqi experience In the fight against terrorism and spreading the spirit of tolerance and coexistence among different religions. In this regard, the Permanent Representative invited the High Representative of the Alliance of Civilizations to visit Iraq and meet Iraqi religious leaders of all sects and religions, which reflect the unity of diversity in Iraqi society that will support the plan to protect the religious sites.

On the other hand, the High Representative welcomed this invitation, stressing the importance of the diversity of Iraqi society and the possibility of benefiting from the experiences in how to deal with terrorism, tolerance and interfaith dialogue, pointing out that he will work to meet this invitation soon.

The meeting was attended by the first secretary, Yasser Wahib, and Ms. Nahal Saad, spokesperson for the High Representative.