Iraq (as vice-president) chaired meetings of CSW

Iraq (as the Vice-President), represented by H.E. Ms. Thekra Aloosh, had preside the Ministerial Round Table Meeting within the meetings of 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women, entitled “Best practices and effective policies for the design of social protection and public services as well as the establishment of sustainable infrastructure, including the promotion of Women in various sectors and at all levels “, With the participation of Ms. Grete Faremo, Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

In her opening statement, she noted that women in the represent 60% of the workforce in the education sector and about 70% in the health care and social work sectors. However, women’s representation remains under-represented in leadership and decision-making positions,  Where women often suffer from low wages, poor working conditions, inability to express their opinions, and exposure to violence and harassment. In the same context, the Chairperson asks to consider the following questions to help focus the dialogue:

  • What measures have achieved proven results in ensuring that women can benefit equally from employment opportunities in the context of social protection systems, including public works programs and active labor market policies?
  • What steps have been taken by Governments to ensure that adequate wages are paid and adequate working conditions are provided, including opportunities for career advancement for women working in the field of public services on the front lines, such as education, health, child and the elderly care?

Some 17 ministers and senior officials from the delegations of the participating countries made statements and