Permanent Mission held a joint event at the United Nations

The Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom, met the Foreign Minister of Norway, Ms. Ine Eriksen Soreide, on the sidelines of the event held Mission of Iraq at the United Nations headquarter in New York on 1/3/2019, jointly with the missions of Norway, Cambodia and Mozambique on the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention of the Prohibition of Anti-personnel Mines (Mine Ban Treaty).

The Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr al-Uloom, addressed a speech in which he pointed out that the accession of three quarters of the world joined the Convention reflects its importance, noting the many achievements achieved through the destruction of nearly 52 million mines of stockpiles and clearance of large areas of land, there are 31 Parties that have already been affected by anti-personnel mines had completed their mine-clearance obligations

The permanent representative explained that the presence of explosive devices left by the terrorist entity “Da’ash” in the liberated areas is still an obstacle to the return of nearly 1.4 million Iraqi citizens to their homes, adding that the danger exceeds this by blocking access to humanitarian assistance and the restoration of public services

He also referred to the efforts of the army, police and civil defense forces in the area to remove explosive damage in order to restore civilian facilities in a safe manner