The Mission of Iraq participates in the meeting of the Arab Group at the level of Permanent Representatives

Permanent Representative Ambassador Mohamed Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom participated in the meeting held by the Arab Group at the level of Permanent Representatives on 20/2/2019 under the chairmanship of Lebanon, the President of the League for the month of February, and hosts Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, the High Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations for Disarmament Affairs.

Ms. Izumi gave a briefing on the Arab decision to hold a conference to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone and other mass destruction in the Middle East, and reviewed the latest activities and meetings with other parties regarding the convening of the conference as well as the establishment of such zone would contribute to strengthening international peace and security at the regional and international levels. She stressed the need to hold the conference regardless of the absence of one or two countries in the first round. She noted that the conference will be held annually until a legally binding agreement is reached to establish the zone. Ms. Izumi also referred to other disarmament-related topics such as the 2020 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and questions related to cyber security.

On the other hand, the Group hosted the Permanent Representative of Romania, who briefed on his country’s candidacy for the non-permanent membership of the Security Council for the period 2020-2021 and the vision of Romania and its priorities in the Security Council in the event of its membership during the elections to be held in the General Assembly on 7/6/2019, For its presidency of the European Union