Permanent Representative addressed the Security Council on the situation in Iraq

The Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations, Ambassador Mohammed Bahr al-Uloom, addressed Iraq’s speech in the Security Council session under the item “the situation in Iraq”. He highlighted the commitment of the political blocs to overcome all obstacles and reach understandings to complete the Cabinet and the continuation of the Iraqi government in its efforts to combat corruption and extremist ideology. 

He also stated that the Government of Iraq is working to overcome the challenges it faces in reconstruction and in a manner that provides sustainable development for future generations and the advancement of the education. He called upon Member States to contribute to the rehabilitation of the archaeological areas destroyed by the organization calling for the terrorist and supporting Iraq in the inclusion of the Babylonian monuments within the list of the world’s human heritage. His Excellency stressed that the brotherly relationship between Iraq and Kuwait strengthens the foundations of peace, security and stability in the region and directs the efforts of these two rich countries to develop and promote sustainable development, which will reflect positive results on both brotherly peoples and the whole region.