Permanent Representative delivers a speech in the meeting of G77 + China

On 18/1/2019, H.E. Ambassador Mohammed Husein Bahr Al-Uloom the Permanent Representative attends the first meeting of the Group 77+ China in 2019.

The Ambassador delivered a statement in which he congratulated the Palestinian Ambassador on the occasion of assuming the duties of the Presidency of the Group for the year 2019, and the statement include the continued support of Iraq for Palestine and the right of the Palestinian people to live in independent sovereign state, and expressed sincere respect and appreciation to the delegation of the Republic of Egypt for their outstanding work during their tenure of the group in 2018.

The statement also pointed out that the year 2019 will be full of opportunities and challenges. The sustainable development agenda will have completed four years of implementation, which is sufficient to carry out the review and evaluation. The United Nations reform process, the reform process of the United Nations, particularly the development aspect, will continue to be considered and followed up.

At the end of his speech, the Permanent Representative expressed his wishes to the Palestine State for success during its presidency of the Group for 2019. He expressed the readiness of the Permanent Delegation of Iraq to support Palestine in this endeavor and work to strengthen the functions of the State of Palestine during the period of assuming its responsibilities in this regard.