Delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered the statement of Iraq on the elimination of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia in the Third Committee of the General Assembly session (73) on 30/10/2018

On 30/10/2018, Second Secretary Nian Hamah Khorsheed delivered the two statements of the Republic of Iraq to the Third Committee, on item (72) of Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and item 73 on the right of peoples to self-determination.

    The statement referred to Iraq’s efforts to promote the principles of justice and equality in all its national legislation and regulations. Iraq was keen to establish laws governing rights and obligations and to renounce all forms of Racial Discrimination. Also, It affirmed Iraq’s full commitment to work towards the achievement of the objectives of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

    With regard to item (73) On self-determination. She referred to Iraq’s full solidarity with the Palestinian people and other Arab peoples under Israeli occupation, and the fact that what the people in Gaza Strip were subjected to flagrant violations of international law and international humanitarian law.

   The statement focused on the significant role played by UNRWA in the care and employment of refugees and the alleviation of their suffering. It called on the international community to support this Organization because it is contributing to the creation of employment opportunities for young people, reduce the level of unemployment among refugees and to provide substantial support to the education sector, particularly to girls and children.