Iraqi Delegation Participated in the meetings of Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) under item (53)

Delegation of Iraq Participated in the meetings of Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) under item (53) on international Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. In this regard, deputy head of the Department of International Organizations and Conferences, Minister Plenipotentiary Dr. Ali Hilal, addressed the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and the Office for Outer Space Affairs in promoting the safety, security and sustainability of the space environment, and highlighted the need to raise the level of international cooperation and adopt a common vision for the exploration and use of outer space, while stressing the reference of international law and UN Charter in determining international liability for damages caused by space objects, as well as the need for the consent of the Governments of States to submit to the UN and international community with necessary information on their activities in outer space, in accordance with the principle of agreed international principles, transparency and protection. In addition, the shared benefit of outer space shall based on equitable distribution among Member States regardless of their level of economic and scientific development.