Permanent Representative meets the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty Organization

In the framework of Iraq’s activity as a facilitator, jointly with the Kingdom of Belgium, of Article 14 of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), Permanent Representative Ambassador Mohamed Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom met on 6/9/2018 at the United Nations Building in New York with Dr. Lassina Zirboa, Executive Secretary of the Provisional Technical Secretariat of the  Organization of Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

During the meeting, they discussed aspects of cooperation between Iraq and the Organization in the framework of capacity building and training courses to promote the importance of the Treaty and its important role in the non-proliferation regime.

The two parties referred to efforts by Iraq, as facilitator of Article 14 of the Treaty, to expedite the entry into force of the Treaty as in which it will promote and maintain the international peace and security.