Permanent Representative deliver a speech at the Security Council

On 8/8/2018, The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations H.E. Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom addressed the UN Security Council during its session to discuss the UN secretary General’s report on UNAMI, and welcomed the adoption of UNSC resolution 2421 to extend and modify UNAMI’s mandate to meet the needs of the people of Iraq, especially women and youth.

Also, he welcomed the appointment of Mr. Karim Khan, as a Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General and  head of the International Investigation Team to support domestic efforts to hold ISIL (Da’esh) accountable for acts that may amount to war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

He stressed the importance of achieving a long-term stability to the people of Iraq which can be achieved through uniting efforts to address the challenges   facing the country and emphasized the importance of the international community supporting Iraq in this regard.