Election of the independent experts of the committee of the rights of persons with disabilities


The committee of the persons with disabilities held a meeting attended by the António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations and all the Sates parties to the convention at the United Nations headquarter on 12/06/2018, to elect new nine members of the committee that composed of 18 members, with ratio of 6 women and 12 men. The members of the Committee serve in their individual capacity, not as government representatives. They are elected from a list of persons nominated by the States at the Conference of the State Parties for a four-year term with a possibility of being re-elected once.

Iraq took part in the aforesaid election session which resulted in the election of experts from Lithuania, Nigeria, Switzerland, Australia, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Brazil, Mexico and Ghana where the new members will assume their duties as of 2019 to 2022.

Iraq, as well, extend its congratulations to the elected experts and their countries wishing them all the best in fulfilling their duties in monitoring the implementation of the convention of the rights of persons with disabilities.