Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations Meets the Special Representative of the Secretary


Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations in New York, Mr. Mohammed Ali Hakim met in May 4, 2015 the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on sexual violence Ms. Zainab Bangura.

The two sides discussed Ms. Bnkura’s visit to Iraq and her view of the suffering of Iraqi women particularly Yazidi women and what they expose to at the hands of the terrorist organization Daash.

Ms. Bangura said that her visit to Iraq was very successful and met a number of figures in the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, on the forefront of them Iraqi Prime Minister and the ministers involved.

For his part, Mr. Mohammed Ali Hakim, praised the Special Representative’s efforts and called her to provide assistance to the Iraqi government to overcome this big plight of the Iraqi people, stressing that Iraq and its people will pass over the crisis by the efforts of its sons and the assistance of the international community.