Security Council special session on the ethnic and religious Minorities in the Middle East

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 H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim Permanent Representative of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations in New York addressed the Security Council’s open debate on the Victims of Attacks and Abuses on Ethnic or Religious Grounds in the Middle East on behalf of H.E. the Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Ibrahim Al-Eshaiker Al-Jaffari on Friday March 27th, 2015.  The session was organized by the delegation of France, and chaired by H.E. Laurent Fabius, Minister for Foreign Affairs of France.  Additionally, the Council was addressed by Ms. Vian Dakil, a member of the Iraq’s Parliament and Mr. Louis Raphael Sako, patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church of Babylon.

Ambassador Alhakim discussed the reality that early on Daesh terrorists groups were targeting ethnic and religious minorities such as Christians, Yezidis and Shabaks, but soon expanded their terrorist acts to target all Iraqi communities.  The Iraq Council of Ministers considers the crimes committed by Daesh against the Iraqi people as an act of genocide, and more assistance and solidarity from the international community to assist the alleviation of the tragic conditions of the displaced people within Iraq is needed while the fight for their liberation is ongoing.  The triumph of the message of tolerance and dignity for all Iraqis, regardless of their religious and ethnic identity, must and will prevail.