Speech of the Republic of Iraq at the Security Council

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H.E. Permanent Representative Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim delivered a speech at the Security Council special session, which was held on Tuesday 17/02/2015. The session was called to listen to the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq Special Representative of the Secretary-General Mr. Nicolay Mladenov Briefing about the mission’s activities.

The Permanent Representative speech pointed to the progress made by the government in the implementation of its proposed programme, despite the challenges and difficult circumstances in Iraq, bearing in mind the priority of fighting Daesh (ISIS), and promoting its regional and international relations.

The Permanent Representative emphasized on the importance of the member states of the UN commitment to the implementation of the Security Council resolutions 2170, 2178 and especially 2199, which recently passed under Chapter VII. These resolutions objectives are to dry up the funding of terrorism through clear procedures of cutting off oil and antiquities smuggling, and strengthen the ban on payments and donation made by some parties that have relations to Al-Qaeda and terrorism.