Charge d’Affaires of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations delivers Iraq’s statement at the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The 17th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, opened at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the period from June 11-13, 2024.

Iraq participated in the session, with a delegation that included the Charge d’Affaires of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Iraq to the United Nations, Dr. Abbas Kadhom Obaid, Mrs. Dhikra Abdel Rahim, Head of the People with Disabilities Board at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and her accompanying delegation, as well as many countries, governmental and non-governmental organizations also participated in the meeting. The Chargé d’Affaires delivered Iraq’s statement at the meeting, as Iraq’s is one of the state parties to the Convention, in which he pointed to the Iraqi government’s keenness to promote the human rights of persons with disabilities and to strive diligently to integrate them into society in order to empower them in the educational,  health, social and professional aspects, and to overcome the challenges they face. Showing the government measures and procedures and special legislation taken to guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities and the transformations in the development path from the concept of care to the concept of rights. Pointing to the financial allocations allocated by the Iraqi government, and the cooperation between the Ministries of Health, Labor, and Social Affairs by launching community and psychological rehabilitation programs, as well as educational and educational empowerment through programs and services