Foreign Minister and his Syrian counterpart discuss strengthening joint cooperation to ensure security and stability in the two countries and the whole region

Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic, Mr. Faisal Mokdad, on the sidelines of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The two parties discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation to ensure security and stability in the two countries and the whole region.

Minister Fouad Hussein stressed the importance of the bilateral relations between Baghdad and Damascus, and Iraq’s keenness to upgrade them to achieve the aspirations of the two peoples, calling for the necessity of cooperation between the two countries; In order to solve Arab problems by adopting political solutions, and not to interfere in the affairs of states, stressing Iraq’s firm position on the return of Syria to the incubator of the Arab League.

The Minister called for the need to address the humanitarian situation in the Al-Hol camp in Syria, and to prevent ISIS from infiltrating the camps for the displaced, spreading its terrorist ideology, and reorganizing its ranks.

For his part, Mr. Faisal Mokdad, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic, praised Iraq’s supportive stances to resolve the Syrian crisis peacefully, expressing his government’s desire to enhance bilateral cooperation between the two countries. to achieve stability.