Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom, presents Iraq’s speech in the open debate session held by the Security Council on children in armed conflict

The Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom, delivered Iraq’s speech in the open discussion session held by the Security Council on children in armed conflict, and below is a reading of its most important themes:

  • He thanked the international community and members of the Security Council for their support for the Iraqi government’s efforts to enhance security and stability in the country
  • The importance of the distinguished relationship between Iraq and the United Nations, especially the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict, and UNICEF, in order to enhance the protection of children at the legislative and executive levels.
  • Recalling the role of Iraq, its people and its security forces in the war against the terrorist Daesh, to liberate the land and people from its darkness and to prosecute it for the crimes it committed against the Iraqis.
  • Emphasizing that the war on ISIS was not a struggle, but rather a defense of the dignity, freedom and democracy of Iraq and its people.
  • Reaffirming the call to countries that have nationals of children in Iraq to return them to their countries as soon as possible.
  • Reviewing the efforts of the Iraqi government to remove and clean Iraqi lands of mines and explosive ordnance left by the terrorist organization ISIS in rural areas and population centers, and their devastating impact on the lives of citizens, especially children.
  • The Corona pandemic and the damage it caused to the global economy, including the Iraqi economy, and its effects in particular on humanitarian aid, reconstruction and construction, and the return of the displaced.
  • The international community’s support for the peace agenda in Iraq and the region as it is the best way to achieve development and economic reform and protect society