Permanent Representative delivers Iraq’s speech at the second quarterly briefing meeting for member states presented by the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, to review new strategies and mechanisms for developing multilateral action

The Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mohammed Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom, delivered Iraq’s speech at the second quarterly briefing meeting for member states presented by the United Nations Office for Counter-Terrorism, to review new strategies and mechanisms for developing multilateral action.

At the beginning of his speech, the Permanent Representative thanked Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Head of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, for holding this important meeting. The speech addressed the following topics:

  • Emphasizing that the terrorist organization ISIS still poses a threat in Iraq and the region, despite its military defeat by the Iraqi forces, but it continues its activity, especially in the desert and border areas, and in recruiting new elements, especially foreign terrorist fighters.
  • The Iraqi government and its security forces have greatly and distinctly developed their capabilities in targeting and limiting the organization’s ability to move, and it was able to arrest large numbers of its members and leadership, including the so-called governor of Anbar.
  • Iraq is committed to constructive cooperation with the United Nations and the international community to continue efforts to combat terrorism, through capacity-building programs and the development of strategies and plans, especially those concerned with reform in the security sectors and the rehabilitation of prisoners.
  • Calling again for the importance of dealing quickly and firmly with the issue of countries returning their nationals from the camps in Syria, and similar to what Iraq is doing, to rehabilitate and integrate, and to avoid a further escalation of the situation that could lead to catastrophic results that are difficult to deal with in the future