The Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations, in cooperation with the Finnish mission and the International Investigation Team (UNITAD), sponsors a special event on the eighth anniversary of the Speicher crime, entitled “Pattern of Mass Murder: ISIS’s Crimes Against the Affiliates of the Tikrit Air Base Academy.”

In remembrance of the martyrs of one of the most heinous crimes of the terrorist organization ISIS, which claimed the lives of more than 2,000 students at the Military Academy at the Tikrit Air Base, and emphasizing the insistence of the Iraqi government, in cooperation with the United Nations and the international community, to achieve justice for the victims and their families, no matter how long it takes, the Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United Nations, in cooperation with the Finnish Mission and the International Investigation Team (UNITAD), sponsored a special event on the eighth anniversary of the Speicher crime, entitled “Mass Murder Pattern: ISIS Crimes Against the Affiliates of the Tikrit Air Base Academy”.

The event witnessed a wide participation of Representatives of countries, research institutions and experts in law and behavioral analysis of organizations and ideologies, to listen to the speech of Iraq presented by the Permanent Representative, Ambassador Mohammad Hussein Bahr Al-Uloom, head of the international investigation team, Special Adviser Christian Richer, in addition to a number of experts

Iraq’s speech stressed the Iraqi government’s commitment to cooperate with the international investigation team to collect and document evidence, and the importance of this evidence, which will be handed over to the Iraqi judiciary, in the trial of ISIS terrorist elements.

The speech recalled, on one hand, the ugliness of the crime that afflicted all of Iraq and shook the consciences of humanity, and on the other hand, the victory over the terrorist organization ISIS and the liberation of the Iraqi land, which took place by Iraqi efforts and sacrifices, and the just retribution that awaits the criminals in the Iraqi judiciary

The Representative of Finland gave a speech that included a reference to the circumstances and reasons that led to the establishment of the UNITAD Security Council and the vital and effective role it plays today in the process of collecting and documenting evidence, in contrast to the great importance of this tool in achieving justice and protecting witnesses.

Special Adviser Richer stressed the importance of close cooperation between the international investigation team and the Iraqi government, especially the Iraqi judiciary, which resulted in the completion of legal summaries and evidence for this massacre, which is considered one of the most heinous crimes of the terrorist organization Daesh.

The audience listened to a recorded speech of one of the Iraqi judges responsible for the investigations into the crimes of the terrorist organization ISIS, and the advanced stages in preparing for the legal trial of the organization’s members

In conclusion, a visual recording of the testimony of one of the survivors of the Speicher crime was presented, which included an explanation of the pattern of terrorism and violence that characterized the elements of this dark organization in killing and torturing its victims regardless of their gender, religion and affiliation.